TIWG F2F-Berlin-2010-06-30--07-01

TIWG F2F-Berlin-2010-06-30--07-01

Kantara TelcoID Work GROUP F2F Meeting Minutes Berlin


  • Date: June 30th - July 1st, 2010


  • Jonas Högberg, Ericsson (voting)
  • Ingo Friese, DT (voting)
  • Fulup Ar Foll, Sun/Oracle (voting)
  • Peter Weik, Fraunhofer Fokus (voting)
  • Gaël Gourmelan, Orange (voting) (over the phone)
  • Sebastian Lampe, Fraunhofer Fokus (non-voting)
  • Joni Brennan, KI staff (partly (over the phone))
  • Dervla O'Reilly, KI staff (partly (over the phone))
  • Shin Adachi, NTT (partly (over the phone))


Wednesday 30/6:

Thursday 1/7:

  • 09:00 - 12:00: Telco reqs in IdM space study (All)
  • 12:00 - 13:00: Lunch (All)
  • 13:00 - 15:00: IdM components in telco network APIs study (All)
  • 15:00 - 15:15: Coffee Break (All)
  • 15:15 - 16:15: IdM components in telco network APIs study (All)
  • 16:15 - 16:30: Next KI Conference, telecons during the summer, KI info etc. (Jonas + All)
  • 16:30 - 17:00: Summary, MoM, etc. (Jonas & Gaël)


1. Approval of MoMs from previous telecons:

The two MoMs were approved by unanimous consent.

2. Feedback on the presentation of the WP @ Burton Europe

50-60 people listened to the speech of which a few were telco people. Some questions were received, in particular for security (e.g. "what happens if I loose my cell phone ?")

3. Comments from ICIN review committee on the WP

Reviewer #1: The paper addresses an important issue. It should however consider other Identity related solutions (e.g. OpenId) and to give a complete picture. (...)

ACTION20100630-01: Add a reference to 3GPP TR on GBA/OpenID Interworking to the ICIN customized version (Ingo)

In addition the paper should consider the ability to develop fully secure and over the top applications (e.g., banking applications) that can be totally decoupled from the underlying network).

ACTION20100630-02: Provide some textual response to this comment until July 30 (Gael)

The bypass effect on IMS should also be recognized (i.e. identity management should be exerted outside from the iMS).

No action as we don't understand the comment.

It could be interesting to investigate the potential of TEL URI (phone numbers used as identifiers also outside of the IMS)

Also no action.

Reviewer #2: Any discussion of internet identity would be incomplete without including OpenID. The full paper should address it appropriately.

Also covered by ACTION20100630-01

Reviewer #3: A list of bibliographical references is needed for the final paper.

ACTION20100630-03 Provide 5 to max. 10 references in the final version of the ICIN paper (Ingo)

Reviewer #4: Would like to see a discussion on OAuth2.0 with a continued comparison.

ACTION20100630-04: We will mention OAuth 2.0 (e.g. in use case 3), but don't provide a comparison (Ingo)

Reviewer #5: The use cases in section 4 need to be expanded and made more concrete.ACTION20100630-05: Check, whether the original sections from the whitepaper can fit into the ICIN formatting to extend this (Ingo)

• Reviewer #6 (comment): The EUREKA MOBICOM project has addressed this issue in the past, and could provide valuable input to the authors
• One other general comment – the topic of bridging IMS and web approaches to identify management has been a common topic in previous ICIN conferences. For that reason, and as per the comments above, I think it is important that you explain how your work compares with other initiatives related to identity management within the industry._

ACTION20100630-06: Contact Thanh van Do for details on Mobicome and the background these remarks (Jonas)

4. WP next steps, KI donation, further presentations, WP++?, etc.

The 45 day review period lapsed on July 1st, we have received a couple of comments which will be dealt with according to KI procedures.

ACTION20100630-07: Provide references to IMS, acronmys and formatting for the whitepaper (Jonas)
ACTION20100630-08: Analyze comments for security, LOA and privacy and provide comments for the next telecon (All)
ACTION20100630-09: Jonas to check with Dervla if there is a time limit to process the comments that we have received for the whitepaper (Jonas)

Fulup made a proposal to group to work on a "cookbook / reference architecture & deployment guide for identity management for telcos" that should outline concepts for catering to millions of subscribers from November 2010 onwards. Gael and Fulup will meet to define scope of study.

ACTION20100630-10: Contact Mario to check if NEC wants to do further presentations for the TIWG (Jonas)
ACTION20100630-11: Check with Aude Pichelin if Orange wants to do a presentations of the whitepaper (Gael)

We will produce a customized version (fitting 6 pages in IEEE formatting) of the whitepaper for the ICIN conference.

5. 3GPP SA3 extended GBA 'SSO' work

The group wants to receive a liason statement from 3GPP tp give a presentation on Kantara SSO work. This liason would be considered an informal KI liason.

ACTION20100630-12: Jonas to contact Beng Salin (chairman of SA3) to communicate our wish

6. How to handle the two versions of the WP, the one in KI review and the ICIN version ?

We need to add a new subtitle to the ICIN customized version and change name of file, clearly showing that this is another version from the whitepaper. This document needs to pass a simple majority (4/6) within the TIWG. Later this version needs to be passed to the LC to become final. However, in the meanwhile we can handle the paper as an interim report to meet ICIN submission deadline of July 30th.

7. Telco reqs in IdM space study

A mindmap was produced which will be the starting point for the work. The goal is to have a draft version ready for review for the next F2F meeting in Paris in October.
TODO: insert reference to Ingo's mindmap

ACTION20100701-01: Provide feedback and comments on the mindmap (Gael, Shin)

8. IdM components in telco network APIs study

A general discussion on the chapters took place. The goal is to have a draft version ready for review for the next F2F meeting in Paris in October.

9. Next KI Conference, telecons during the summer, KI info etc.

We have scheduled a 7 hour meeting in Paris. The next telecon will happen as scheduled (15th of July, 17:00h CEST).

10. Summary, MoM, etc.

Shin dialled in and the group gave him a summary to the 2 day meeting.

Next Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, July 15th, 2010
  • Time: 09:00 PDT | 12:00 EDT | 16:00 UTC/GMT | 18:00 CEST (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: Skype: +9900827044630912, US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Room Code: 4630912