TIWG Teleconference-2010-06-02

TIWG Teleconference-2010-06-02

Kantara Telecommunications Identity WG Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, June 2, 2010
  • Time: 8:30 PST | 11:30 EST | 15:30 UTC | 17:30 CEST (Time Chart)


Jonas Hogberg, Ericsson (voting)
Shin Adachi, NTT (voting)
Mario Lischka, NEC (Observer)
Dervla O'Reilly, Kantara Initiative (non-voting)
Peter Weik, Fraunhofer FOKUS (voting)
Gael Gourmelen, Orange-FT (voting)
Ingo Friese, Deutsche Telekom (voting)
Sebastian Lampe, Fraunhofer FOKUS (non-voting)



1. Roll Call

It was determined that we reached quorum for this call with 5 out of 6 voting members.

2. Minute Taker

Peter Weik

3. Amendments to the agenda
  • Whitepaper next steps -Jonas
  • New venues for whitepaper talk - Jonas
4. MoMs for approval

A motion to approve the minutes for May 20 was made by Gael Gourmelen and Shin Adachi. Unanimous consent.

5. Action Points Review

ACTION20100520-04: Jonas to check with Ingo for more details. (DONE)

ACTION20100520-05: All to check internally with their representative in 3GPP to see company's positions. (OPEN BUT DONE?)

6. New work, F2F Meeting

Mario has set up a Doodle poll, the result was to go for a F2F meeting for 30 June/ 1 July, preliminary venue is DT in Berlin.

7. Comments from ICIN committee

There were some comments sent by the ICIN reviewers for the ICIN paper (inspired by the group's whitepaper) that were initially discussed. The final version of the ICIN paper (inspired by the group's whitepaper) must be limited to 6 pages in IEEE formatting and will be due on July 30. It should take most of these comments into account. A newer version will be initiated by Ingo together with Peter and sent to the authors for review.

ACTION20100602-01 All to go over the comments and to provide input for them for the next conf call

8. 3GPP SA3 on identity

DT considers that this Kantara group might be a good place to discuss SSO and identity management solutions for IMS. Ericsson and FT are also active in SA3 and there are some alternatives already submitted and discussed. As 3GPP SA3 has a meeting in parallel to the upcoming F2F, there might be an option to synchronize these groups.

ACTION20100602-02 Jonas to contact the chairman of SA3 to see if it is feasible to set up a conf call with SA3 and this Kantara group for the upcoming F2F meeting on July 1st

9. KI fall member meeting, Paris 19-21 Oct., hosted by Orange

There are slots allocated for this group for Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning (see http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Kantara+Initiative+Conferences)

10. AoB

There was no other business.

11. Meeting Adjourned.

Next Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, June 17, 2010
  • Time: 08:30 PST | 11:30 EST | 15:30 UTC | 17:30 CEST (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: * Skype: +9900827044630912
    * US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 4630912