2020-07-09 Meeting notes

2020-07-09 Meeting notes




  • Per agenda below

Discussion items

5 minChair remarks, roll call and quorum determination
  • Meeting being recorded
  • Quorum achieved
5 minApproval of notes from June 25Approved
10 minsGeneral discussion of Kantara and other events since last HIAWGAll

Martin Smith (Unlicensed) IAWG starting planning to provide KI comments to NIST on 63-4. NIST deadline is Aug 10, so deadline for HIAWG to contribute to KI comments is near end of July–soon! IAWG will circulate proposed comments so far . . .

Former user (Deleted) – mised grant deadline for

Former user (Deleted) Coalition to remove medical ID legal restriction, see Patientidnow.?  Consider joining . . . 

5 minsFrom Barry Hieb- follow up from June 25th: Brief summary of how his system addresses lost/stolen/compromised patient IDs.Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted) – When need to terminate an identifier, maintain list of all places the identifier is used, and can message locations to delete and/or replace with new identifier. 

20 mins

From Catherine Schulten:

a. Demo of AllClearID and relationship with the "Nordic" countries who have addressed ID and Authentication in Banking with possible lessons learned for Healthcare

b. NIST has recently published what is basically a companion guide for 800-63-3. See attached PDF and link below:


Because of this new publication, I plan to show the comparison between NIST guidance, MITRE’s analysis and the ONC’s writings to date.

Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted) –

a. Main speaker, presents on AllClearID experience with banking customers in Nordics. Leverages existing mobile apps modded with their SDK do do various auth/auth checks. 

Carmen Smiley.--of interest: https://norden.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:902133/FULLTEXT01

b. Paper: Planning to update in light of new NIST 63-3 conformance guidance and then solicit comments. (discussion for next HIAWG.)  

5 minFollow up -- anything new? The Birth of Universal PHI Exchange? https://carequality.org/
Not discussed
5 minAction review and next meetings (July 23, Aug 6, 20)
Next meeting July 23; actions below.

Action items

  • All to think about possible input to KI comments to NIST on update of 800-63-3 (due to NIST Aug 10)
  • Former user (Deleted) Next meeting agenda items: more time for Barry H, and discussion of Cath S NIST/MITRE/ONC IAL conformance guidance comparisons. 
  • Former user (Deleted) will post slides presented today to the HIAWG list.