2021-01-21 Meeting notes

2021-01-21 Meeting notes




  • Per distributed agenda

Discussion items

5 MinCall to order and roll callFormer user (Deleted)
  • Quorate
  • Recording!
5 MinApproval of draft minutes of 11/12/2020  meetingFormer user (Deleted)
  • Approved previously 
10 mins

Noteworthy news and member activities--

New Director of ONC - Micky Tripathi

Jim Kragh Notes that Micky is/was on the OpenNotes board. 

Tom Jones provided this link to an article about new Director following the meeting: https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/tech/micky-tripathi-tapped-as-biden-s-national-coordinator-for-health-it  

10 minsFIRE WG use case draft review:  Did we finish our comments to Tom Jones for this request below? Here are my brief notes from 12/17/21: Notes: HIAWG participants made some recommendations to Tom J. for edits to the WIKI. He will share the changes with other relevant Kantara WGs. Barry made several suggestions. Some, such as patient control of privacy will continue to be discussed. These issues might be addressed more appropriately under AAL rather than the MDL proposal which is in the “Registration” and IAL category. We will return to other edits as needed according to TJ.

Tom Jones

This use case was reviewed by the FIRE WG and I am hoping that the HIAWG can review it as well. The purpose is to give the mobile driver's license DG advice on expanding the scope of their efforts to other state-issued IDs for healthcare. https://wiki.idesg.org/wiki/index.php/State_Issued_ID_for_Healthcare#Full_Title
Peace ..tom

Tom Jones Work is in Kantara DG PIMDL use of DL in healthcare, using same tech (SO 18-13-5) use in other applications.  No feedback yet. Chair Wunderlich. Trying to write a report around DL. (or other State-issued IDs.) 

Considerable discussion of COVID vaccine "passport" requirements, providing a clear Y/N flag w/o revealing specific patient data. 

10 mins

Update on Jim Kragh's FIRE Workgroup draft of Identity and mobile support? ​ Also, we need to discuss joining efforts with Jim Kragh's, Tom Jones' and others broader Identity group referenced in the email I sent to participants on 1/7/21 (see attachment to distributed agenda.)

Jim Kragh  –  Former user (Deleted)--

Concept:  FIRE and HIAWG are archived Work of both groups to morve forward in new WG "Regulated Industries": (not exclusively healthcare), with informal work underneath. 

Jim Kragh – Focus FIRE had in mind is "regulated sectors." Maybe a joint sub-WG or something, to make sure work is coordinated.  Former user (Deleted)  inclined to have fewer formal meetings, and do agree that much of what HC needs is also needed in finance, etc.  Mentions "OpenNotes" as a big new approach.  HIPPA privacy rule coming that will mandate providing all info to patients. Now that info-blocking is being discouraged, ID is even more important. 

10 minsRepeat from last call: Comments on the Foster bill in Congress on "Better Identity"? Although we approved the final letter of support and it was accepted by the Kantara leadership council, we have not sent it out at this point. Who should be the recipients? 

Former user (Deleted)

Will the new administration change this?

Former user (Deleted) offers to report back on perspective and plans of Better ID Coalition, including possible reintroduction of Foster Bill or similar. 

10 minsEmails from Tom jones and John Moehrke on MHD: Not addressed yet. Tom J.?

Tom Jones

Thu, Dec 3, 2020, 7:58 AM John Moehrke <johnmoehrke@gmail.com> wrote:

Let me add some context. When it comes to an HIE using IHE profiles, here is a whitepaper that covers that space. Start here https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/HIE-Whitepaper/index.html

That whitepaper does explain where the MHD profile fits within, and the MHD profile is just an infrastructure API profile intended to be used with many security, privacy, or content models. It is content agnostic, content preserving, and providing metadata for discovery and such. The GitHub you point at is a brand-new draft of the MHD profile, it should not be looked to as anything other than a work in progress, and it is a work in progress that the committee has not yet seen. The use of open tools enables transparency, but it also enables misunderstandings.

John Moehrke Architect: Healthcare Informatics Standards - Interoperability, Privacy, and Security

IHE Co-Chair IT Infrastructure Planning and Technical
HL7 Co-Chair Security WG, FHIR FMG, FHIR facilitator, and FHIR Foundation founding member

Employee of By Light -- Contractor to VHA My HealtheVet
JohnMoehrke@gmail.com | M +1 920-564-2067 | John.Moehrke@bylight.com https://healthcaresecprivacy.blogspot.com
From Tom Jones:
Here is a document that is specific to HIE's (i.e. not AFAIK to EHRs) to control mobile access. It seems like a broad approach is needed like the Mobile assurance doc we are developing. I am not engaged with the HIE folk. Is there someone who is part of the HIE who can explore synergies? (Note there is almost no overlap between the two docs. The IHE doc has very little to say about authenticating the patient or the patient device.)
https://github.com/IHE/ITI.MHD and our MAAS doc. https://kantarainitiative.org/download/kantara-mobile-assurance-statement/ Peace ..tom

Tom Jones asks for feedback on: at or before next meeting if we have time https://trustregistry.org/

Colin Wallis (Unlicensed) mentions some part of this was on the last LC agenda but they did not have detail or anyone to present it. 

10 minsNew Business: Never discussed
a. Catherine proposed discussion around sending comments to CARIN, ...Virginia law, raised by Tim Reiniger. See attachment.
b. Participate in new Kantara WG Consent/Receipt 

Brief discussion of consent receipts. Former user (Deleted)suggests most interesting work 


5 minsAction follow-ups, next meeting date, and adjourn

Former user (Deleted)

Tom Jones asks for feedback on: at or before next meeting if we have time https://trustregistry.org/

Next meetings: Feb 4 and 18


  1.  Former user (Deleted) Readout on WG on national strategy for healthcare ID, possibility of re-introduction of Foster Bill or similar in new Congress. 
  2. Jim Kragh to develop language for LC proposing re-org of FIRE, HIAWG WGs
  3. ALL: provide feedback to Tom Joneson trustregistry link (Above.) 
  4. Former user (Deleted) to add to next agenda:  presentation from Former user (Deleted) on FHIR work on consent.