2020-04-02 Meeting notes

2020-04-02 Meeting notes




  • Continue mapping of Design Goals to NHIDs

Discussion items

Roll callTom S.
  • Quorate
5minMinutes approvalTom S.Approved WG minutes of March 5 and 19th
20minsWG member info items

Jim Kragh RE: 800-63-3C talked to Naomi at NIST. They will undertake revision.  Notes Jeff Brennan (privacy atty) will be FIRE WG lead on coord with IAWG for input to NIST re: Roadmap for developing 800-63-4 in Q3 2020. Not immediate.

Tom Jones But request for comments will be issued shortly.

Ken Dagg (Unlicensed) OK then we have to get started. IAWG has served as lead on this type of thing before, with input from other groups, especially HIAWG. Will send meeting info. We can coordinate via IAWG starting in 2 weeks.

Ken Dagg (Unlicensed) Mentioned 800-63-3C assessment criteria task force meets Wed. Sponsored work on a deadline for July.

Ken Dagg (Unlicensed) Notes NIST has done some conformance criteria for 63-3. Not as detailed as Kantara's. Don't plan to publish except as informational notes. A bit uncertain.

Former user (Deleted) Notes OMB tasked NIST to work on "measurement" (i.e., conformance measurables.) Unclear whether this will be good or bad for Kantara. 

Jim Kragh During COVID-19 emergency, poor authN practices are being waived, but afterward remote operations (telemedicine) will be permanent and there will be an opportunity for ready proposals for improving security/privacy. 


email exchange regarding "resilience."

Focus on Individual? Ecosystem?  Former user (Deleted) Propose that resilience is a property of an ecosystem. Tom Jones OK, but focus on success, not failure. 

10minsDesign Goals mappingFormer user (Deleted)Former user (Deleted) Added 3 paras proposed text on correcting identity data. Individual issues or mass/bulk problems. 
10minsReview and wrap-up

Next meeting 2 weeks, regular (2PM eastern) time. Resume discussion of Design Goals mapping to NHID, and development of next-level Healthcare ID Ecosystem Requirements 

Former user (Deleted) noted HIAWG Design Goals Report to be published on Kantara Website tonight.

Action items

  • Ken Dagg (Unlicensed)to send info/invitations to all WGs on IAWG subgroup on NIST 800-63-3C assessment criteria and participation in input to IAWG development of input to NIST on upcoming 800-63-4
  • Martin Smith (Unlicensed) to send Tom Jones final WG-approved Design Goals Report so he can provide suggested text regarding Resilience goal/requirements, as input for the next update of the Design Goals Report.
  • ALL, to review Former user (Deleted)3 new paragraphs, and fill out spreadsheet with comments on Design-Goals mapping to NHID requirements