2021-03-18 Meeting notes

2021-03-18 Meeting notes




  • Per distributed agenda

Discussion items

5 MinCall to order and roll callFormer user (Deleted)
  • Quorate
  • Recording!
5 MinApproval of draft minutes of  3/4 meetings.Former user (Deleted)Done
10 mins

Noteworthy news and member activities--

From Former user (Deleted) I will be on this panel at the ONC Annual Meeting - March 30 4:10-5:00 pm
Breakout Sessions V - Health Care and Digital Credentials: Security and Privacy Considerations for the 21st Century  We're using digital COVID credentials as the center of a range of panelist perspectives on digital credentials

Jim Kragh Tom Jonesin ONC Virtual Booth arranged by Kantara 29-30 March. 12-5PM Eastern

Former user (Deleted) Tom mentions Tim R's LC presentations on new Virginia Privacy Law.    Martin Smith (Unlicensed)recalls that Va law might be opportunity  for assessment reviews. for conformance with 800-63-3. 

Former user (Deleted)EHI Webinar yesterday re: FIRE catching fire. Chopra and John Glasser said CMS is going to make FIRE API mandatory.  Strong support is building every year for the HL7 FHIR API. See attached letter from 2 years ago documenting CMS interest in promoting it and yesterday, eHI held a webinar featuring Wellsheet's effort to implement it.


2021 ONC Annual Meeting | HealthIT.gov
MARCH 29 - 30, 2021 | 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM ET, Register Today Register today for the all-virtual 2021 ONC Annual Meeting, held March 29-30 from noon until 5:00 pm ET. Join over 1,000 health IT partners online for two afternoons of plenary and breakout sessions on a variety of topics at the forefront of health IT.  www.healthit.gov

10 mins

Former user (Deleted) Update on PatientIDNow coalition (remove prohibition on HSS funding of research for national health ID)   – 10-page draft position paper expected to come out end of March. 

Former user (Deleted)--is this public?  Former user (Deleted)Not until release.  Core of the paper is set of criteria for what a Health ID should do.  So far Coalition is saying they are "solution agnostic."  

10 mins

Here is the link to the Trust Registry page distributed with the Agenda for today. 

Tom Jones Presents update and again solicits HIAWG comment/input. Proposal is for a Register of approved apps, approve assessors, as well as criteria. But not perform assessments. 

Writing a proposal to send this to ONC. (But designed to apply to other sectors than healthcare.) 

5 mins

Martin Smith (Unlicensed) updates on IAWG plans for KI comments on NISTR on Authentication 

10 minsNew Business: Never discussed
a. Catherine proposed discussion around sending comments to CARIN, ...Virginia law, raised by Tim Reininger. See attachment.
b. Participate in new Kantara WG Consent/Receipt 


5 minsAction follow-ups, next meeting date, and adjourn

Next meetings: April 1, 15, 29 


  1.  All:  Review FIRE Registry paper (including links!) and provide comments ASAP to Tom Jones