2020-09-17 Meeting notes

2020-09-17 Meeting notes




  • Per Agenda

Discussion items

5 MinCall to order and roll callFormer user (Deleted)
  • Quorate
  • Recording!
5 MinApproval of draft minutes of Aug 20, 2020Former user (Deleted)
  • Pending, to be approved next meeting
20 mins

Noteworthy news and member activities

Recap/materials available on Aug 31 ONC event--Carmen sent out one presentation. Barry H will send his. Colin (recapping Aug 31 event ) – I should perhaps have spent a bit more time on the KI Framework.  Good panel. 

Colin: Next event was this past Monday: not quite as good from KI perspective. More internally focused workshop. Seemed to be focused on protocols vs larger business framework.  Jim K: was informative–very productive to hear detailed thinking of participants. Take-away-- "patient matching is on the way out"  Tom J: Basically HIE's slant. We need to focus on accepting ID proofing from other HIE's Had the impression this was not a given. Schulten: must recognize that providers/EHRs don't have IAM expertise. 

Discussion of role of Hospitals etc in doing patient/customer identity proofing. Coming requirement in Nov. for providing records to all records. CS suggests providers are not ready to do "CIAM" (for patients.)  

After Carmen S arrives, in ref to proposed bill, Tom S hopes HHS will keep private sector involved.  Carmen agrees. Concerned that HHS have seat at the table. 

20 minsOld business

Open forum/Unfinished business and future work topics:

a. Should we deal with Authorization or access to documents and how it relates to ID attributes (Following up on the call from 2 weeks ago)?
b. Martin Smith and Tom Jones: National patient ID and Access and "writing to the record" See attachments
c. Jim Kragh and his committee are working toward more recommendations to be presented after discussion and coordination today with our HIAWG so we are on "the same page".

(Discussion of attachments sent before the meeting) 

Jim K on FIRE document: requirements for consumer/patient credential. Not just healthcare. NOT FINISHED/PUBLIC document yet. CS: huge leap from where US and US healthcare is today. Very ambitious. Key to keep focus on what the customers FIRE WG will try to finalize paper next week. 

5 mins

New/other business:

Tom J:  Colin did a great job on Aug 31. Colin: thanks to all for the good work in progress. 

Recording of Aug 31 is available. 

5 minsAction followups, next meeting date, and adjourn
  • Oct 1 next HIAWG. 

Former user (Deleted) Will send out Aug 31 recording

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