2020-10-01 Meeting notes

2020-10-01 Meeting notes




  • Per distributed agenda

Discussion items

5 MinCall to order and roll callFormer user (Deleted)
  • Quorate
  • Recording!
5 MinApproval of draft minutes of Sept 17, 2020Former user (Deleted)
  • Approved
10 mins

Noteworthy news and member activities

Former user (Deleted) got call from Mary (question) @ CHIME Invited comments on Foster Bill. Tom Jones notes lack of HHS participation mentioned in the bill. 

Former user (Deleted) RE: COVID testing – an IAM-type problem with home tests is lack of proof that binds results to testee.

Former user (Deleted) --reviews recent KI developments re: Safe Biopharma and successors/partners, etc. Result is mutual recognition of respective areas of competence for certification –KI for non-PKI assurance.  

Former user (Deleted) Also mentions blog reviewing "framework" legislation initiatives in multiple countries. 

30 minsJim Kragh's Workgroup draft of Identity and mobile support. See 2 attachments (JK and TES) including my suggested edits to Jim's draft. The intent is to synchronize the two Workgroup's products.

Jim Kragh Attachments sent with today's Agenda.  

Discussion of the FIRE drafts and Dr. Tom's comments. Jim says some parts of the draft (eg, Heading V. – Recourse.) have not yet been expanded but will be. Tom Jonessays the FIRE priority is on a framework for consumers, not organizations. 

Jim Kragh asks group to vote on tentative approval of the draft as is. Former user (Deleted) says OK to accept as second draft recognizing it's not final. Jim Kragh asks if HIAWG has any other additions to the draft.Martin Smith (Unlicensed) and Former user (Deleted) ask that heading V. be expanded. 

Former user (Deleted) reminds all that the IPR rules between FIRE and HIAWG are slightly different so that might complicate anything to be developed jointly. 

5 mins

New/other business:


5 minsAction follow-ups, next meeting date, and adjourn
  • Oct 15 next HIAWG. 
  • Agenda to include Foster Bill comments
  1. Former user (Deleted) to send Dr Maas presentation at Aug 31 ONC event to the HIAWG list. 
  2. Former user (Deleted) to include discussion of Foster Bill in next HIAWG meeting agenda.