2020-08-06 Meeting notes

2020-08-06 Meeting notes




  • Per Agenda 

Discussion items

5 MinCall to order and roll callFormer user (Deleted)
  • Quorate
  • Recording!
5 MinApproval of draft minutes of July 23, 2020Former user (Deleted)
  • Approved
10 mins

Noteworthy news and member activities

Martin Smith (Unlicensed) remind that KI comments to NIST on 63-4 due Monday, so if any from HIAWG must get to Ken D. ASAP. 

Carmen: final HHS public session/call on Aug 31 before report to Congress. Invite KI participation and input.  Please send your comments and input to identity.onc@hhs.gov Sept 4 deadline for written comments.

Tom Jones urges input to HHS by month-end. Discuss whether we agree that HIAWG should recommend to HHS that RealID alone should be accepted for IAL-2. No consensus; Tom expects to send a comment. 

30 mins

Former user (Deleted) to present his framework.

Former user (Deleted) 1. Post-mortem on proposal to RWJ Foundation. Very discouraging process. 2. Discuss problem of conflict between patient safety and patient privacy, and their solution: "break-the-glass") "concealed break-the-glass." Also discuss drug-interaction oracle (Martin's words.) Tom Jones Wonder if patient notice is required for BTG, or even logging. Carmen says this is still TBD. 

5 mins

New/other business:

5 minsAction followups, next meeting date, and adjourn
  • Aug 20 next HIAWG. 

Action items

Tom Jones volunteers to work with Former user (Deleted) on input to HHS before Sept 4 deadline.  Will let Former user (Deleted) know if they would recommend another HIAWG before the next regular (Aug 20) meeting.

Former user (Deleted) to communicate with Carmen S. re: KI participation ion Aug 31 call.