2020-05-14 Meeting notes

2020-05-14 Meeting notes




Discussion items

Roll callFormer user (Deleted)
  • Quorum achieved
5 mins

Approval of minutes from 4/30/20:  


15 minInteresting eventsall 

Former user (Deleted) – last week Robt Wood Johnson Foundation RFP – Emergency Response (COVID), 1 month Jun 12 phase 1 for applications. Barry plans to drop in proposal (GPII) for Nation Healthcare Identifier. Hope to have a draft by 5/28 for sure. May wish to share with HIAWG.  www.healthsystemcrisisresponse.com


From tom Jones  5/12/20:

Jim & I thought it would be good to refresh this page. I would like to capture other issues that the groups might find important as well. Comments are invited on email or at the meetings. The one "new" idea is that subject can create their own identifier credentials and have the CSP verify the assurance of their use. I suspect the various frameworks, like health care, should define the behavior in more detail.


(See Action items) 


Jim Kragh is working on "Vulnerable" populations...….

10 minsBarry's proposal for comments to the ONC meeting scheduled for June 1st on Patient Identity.  Catherine and I applied (Individually) to give brief presentations.See info in meeting invitation.  Tom S also applied to present (short-- 5-10 minutes) . Plan to summarize HIAWG Design Principles, but invites all to send other ideas. 
10 minsFrom last meeting: Should we get more involved? Carin and the Carequality Alliance. The Birth of Universal PHI Exchange? https://carequality.org/

Colin Wallis (Unlicensed)reports that CARIN aims to provide generic trust framework to give to Carequality. Participation from Google etc but not clear this is technical issue, vs. competing camps of providers. 

Tom Jones suggests that Kantara might put forward a proposal for a registry of certified app devlepers/providers. Jim Kragh reminds about IDESG Registry and thinks that might be of interest to ONC. Colin Wallis (Unlicensed) says we have briefed ONC on Kantara framewors but would be willing to pitch IDEF Registry to new ONC players if everyone thinks it is worthwhile. Tom Jonespoints out that CARIN has avoided getting into certification of any kind, but that's now mandated. 

5 minsAction review, next meeting – 2 weeks – and adjourn

Action items

  • Tom Jonesto redo Definition for CSP in IDESG Identirama wiki
  • All to provide any suggestions to Former user (Deleted)for possible short ONC presentation in June.
  • Jim Kragh wants to have a call before next HIAWG