DRAFT 2016-11-09 Meeting Notes





  • Administrative Business
  • ID Pro Timeline reminder
  • Open Discussion of Survey Results

Discussion Items

  • Congratulations to Sarah Squire (Vice-Chair) and Andrew Hughes (Secretary)
  • Timeline
    • The DG progress is about where we expected to be at this point
    • Next up is to talk about Projects that need doing
  • Question 4: Slide 21
    • Now addressing last 3 items (training/conferences; career opportunities; career development tools)
    • For-fee training item
      • This item might be one for the future, not during startup
      • How does this item impact the plans for revenue generation
      • ID Pro is likely to be welcome at other conferences
        • ID Pro might not have standalone events in the short term
      • Note that the chart shows Certification and Training as distinct - but these are probably linked together
        • It seems likely that these could be developed at the same time
    • Gartner IAM event - who is attending? have a meet-up?
      • Glazer, Treece
    • Job postings item
      • There are many sources for this today - it is probably not a short term item
      • This might be an enterprise-oriented value rather than an individual-focused value proposition
        • If we do a campaign to engage enterprises, this could be of value to directors or managers in those enterprises, and a reason for them to join
      • Career path stuff could be informal (like communication forum) or formal (like mentor program)
    • Professional development tools item
      • Interestingly, low priority
      • Might be more interesting to individuals within the corporate/enterprise space
      • Maybe this is something of use to recruiters and hiring agencies?
      • Doing high quality salary surveys and market demand surveys is very expensive - probably doesn't have to be done by our members
      • This item is not core to ID Pro practitioners - but it might be valuable for the Association itself
      •  Note that IAPP gets lots of mileage from their salary survey
  • Next development steps
    • There are several areas that need development
      • What are the things that must be done by RSA to be a viable proposition and a going concern?
      • Membership
        • What it means to be a member, what does it cost, what do you get?
      • What other services and tools will be needed?
      • Governance
        • How are members involved and heard? What are ways to engage more?
      • Codes of Conduct
        • e.g. Online Forum, Code of Practice, Code of ethics
      • Body of Knowledge
        • A taxonomy, shell, scaffold, etc
        • Minimum viable - enough to get started
    • A business plan / business case will be needed for 'minimum viable' - dollar signs are needed so that costs and revenues can be balanced in the right way
      • Kantara has been generous in contributing to this beginning phase - ID Pro will need to be self-sufficient quickly
    • The value proposition to potential members must be clear - day 1 value
      • Is there value in being a 'Builder/Founder' versus a 'Member'?
      • The Standards topic might be of high value - making connections / insight
      • Communication / collaboration tools will be valuable
    • Professional staff will be needed to deliver some things
  • ACTION: Put the 5 topics to the list as a call to participate.
    • Be mindful of time pressures and highest impact contributions
  • Meeting cadence
    • Propose: until work groups start running, keep this weekly call. Work groups should establish their own meeting schedule.


Next meeting, Wednesday November 16 2016, noon Eastern.

Action Items