DRAFT 2017-01-09 Meeting Notes
DRAFT 2017-01-09 Meeting Notes
Jan 05, 2017
Ian Glazer
- Andrew Hughes
- Scott Shorter
- Thorsten Niebuhr
- Colin Wallis
- George Dobbs
Discussion Items
Code of Conduct - Scott update
- The draft is up on the wiki
- the group has met regularly - a small core group
- Scott will ask the group to review the draft by Friday, 1/13 to be reviewed in the 1/17 meeting.
Book of Knowledge - Thorsten update
- Looking for more participation
- Ian suggested Thorsten send a note with a clear call to action for members
- Need bullet points for each area as defined
Governance - Ian Glazer update
- Speaking with other groups about their governance and structure.
- Board structure: Board elects - no member vote
- self categorize practitioner/provider
- ED develops strategy
- Needs staff, not just volunteers
- When started certification program, the ED raised funds from the members
- 2 groups
- core group of volunteers
- group of members that will consume services
Action Items
- Scott Shorter to send note to ID Pro list for review and input
- Thorsten Niebuhr to send note with call to action around the BoK
- Andrew will create word cloud
, multiple selections available,