Weekly Meeting 2011 05 17 Notes Ratified

Weekly Meeting 2011 05 17 Notes Ratified

Information Sharing GROUP Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Tuesday, 17 May 2011
  • Time: 9am HST | noon PST | 3pm EST | 8pm UK
  • Please join my meeting via GoToMeeting
  • Join the conference call:
    • Skype: +9900827042954214
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
    • UK Dial-In: +44 (0) 8454018081
    • Room Code: 2954214
    • GoToMeeting ID: 844-771-298


  • Joe Andrieu
  • Iain Henderson
  • Judi Clark
  • Mary Ruddy (non-voting)
  • (one mystery person)


  • none


  1. Attendance
  2. Approval of Prior Minutes
  3. Prior Action Item Review
  4. New Business
  5. Identity Commons Charter
  6. Standard Information Sharing Agreement
  7. Action Item Review


1. Attendance

We noted that 3 people on the call were voting members and that the group did not meet quorum on this call.

2. Motions


3. Prior Action Item Review
  • Judi - will send agenda to list ahead of our call (ongoing)
  • Joe - follow up with Mary Ruddy re: ID Commons charter - done on this call
  • Joe - send triumvirate scope email to mailing list - done
  • Iain - update from lawyers in UK, cc mailing list - done
4. New Business
  • IIW: we presented what we were doing, also made progress in pre-IIW meeting, developing a handful of products.
  • EIC: went well, two presentations: workshop on personal data ecosystem-type stuff, also presentation to Kantara group. Received as different from regular perspective of identity, saml, etc. We & UMA are outliers, response from a gov official was that it was "a bit scary." Conversations with Drummond and Scott D. Slight overlap to connect with respect framework (person + verifying) and mydex (sharing verified info where verification is appropriate/necessary).
  • PII this week: Privacy Identity Innovation (pii2011.com), also privacy camp unconf on Saturday
  • possible CRM meets VRM at Harvard in August
5. Information Sharing Agreements

From our pre-IIW meeting, patterns of specific person-level info-sharing uses (these are purpose-bound):

  • Pattern 1: Personal RFP: pRFP, value added, read & use for lifetime of pRFP, statistical aggregation, communications via service broker
  • Pattern 2: Transit Authority: geolocation data, read & use indefinitely, no value added, no communications channel, statistical aggregation
  • Pattern 3: Road Warrior Program: geolocation data, read & use indefinitely, value added, communications channel: device specific (GPS interface)
  • Pattern 4: Usage optimization:use data, read & use indefinitely, value added (advice), communications channel: notification (SMS, email), power of attorney

Not yet purpose-bound:

  • Pattern 5: Relationship maintenance, maintaining contact info in purpose binding way

Need to tie collection/updates to purpose binding. Roles: Marketing & Sales, Operations (business as usual, purpose binding is specific to that business), Customer Service (purpose binding to fix a problem), Finance (payment). Last three are categories, but marketing & sales needs more granularity. For Sales & Marketing: "I will give you this data, connection to current contact info, so that you can reach me." - dealing with what do I want to hear about, how, and when (frequency and duration); purpose binding to allow marketing to an individual.

  • also Pattern 6: Sharing reviews/endorsements

Needs more work:

What (recommendations, special offers, special events (non-sale related, like being at a conf), new products, etc., vs. anti-patterns for possible blacklist: stuff we just bought, stuff we're not in the market for, offensive ads, etc.), How (direct mail & email, phone, etc.) and When (frequency and duration) for viable marketing patterns for communications.

Also Why, based on What they know (one level of intention: keywords, behavioral & purchase history; demographics, address, other bits of current practice). Need to focus on relevant info for current needs (context). From CRM perspective, they see themselves selling us as one of 0) selling new (contact info before sale), 1) more of same, 2) accessories, and 3) related products.

6. Action Items Review
  • Joe - update on PII conf next week
  • Joe - follow up with Doc re: CRM + VRM conference
  • Iain - Collin Wallis conversation

Next Regular Meeting

TUESDAY 17 May 2011 - 90 minutes
9am Hawaii, noon Pacific Daylight, 3pm EDT, 8pm UK Daylight
Skype: +9900827042954214
US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
UK Dial-In: +44 (0) 8454018081
Room Code: 2954214

NOTE: Do not follow the code with a "#" symbol as it may cause the code not to be recognized.