Weekly Meeting 2011 06 07 Minutes Ratified

Weekly Meeting 2011 06 07 Minutes Ratified

Information Sharing GROUP Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Tuesday, 7 June 2011
  • Time: 9am HST | noon PST | 3pm EST | 8pm UK
  • Please join my meeting via GoToMeeting
  • Join the conference call:
    • Skype: +9900827042954214
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
    • UK Dial-In: +44 (0) 8454018081
    • Room Code: 2954214
    • GoToMeeting ID: 844-771-298


  • Joe Andrieu
  • Judi Clark
  • Iain Henderson
  • Mark Lizar (late)


  • none


  1. Attendance
  2. Approval of Prior Minutes & Other Motions
  3. Prior Action Item Review
  4. New Business
  5. Standard Information Sharing Agreement
  6. Action Item Review


1. Attendance

We noted that 4 people on the call were voting members and that the group met quorum on this call.

2. Motions
  1. Motion to approve minutes from May 31 unanimously approved
3. Prior Action Item Review
  • Joe: quarterly report for Q1 - done
  • Joe: Follow up with Doc re: VRM + CRM - in progress, Judi will follow-up
  • Judi: update quorum (7 not 6) on participant roster, add Doc to in-person + no motions - done
4. New Business

Budget allocations: past year carryover is allocated, as is 2011: $20K (lawyers, designers, & operational stuff). Need to do planning, Iain will follow up with Lucy. Our next phase, once we have our first draft of legal/visual, what do we do? (Additional legal, design, tech infrastructure needs specifying, identifying compatible parts in UMA). Should fund presenting about this work (e.g., travel costs for RSA, PII, other confs in this space)

6. Information Sharing Agreements

Reviewed Google doc on info sharing practices, examples of data types and sharing flows.
Graphics needed: icon-based notice (icon) and drop-down, standard interface for describing use with opt in/out if variability.

Mark cited his work on Consent and Notice on the ID Commons wiki 

7. Action Items Review
  • Judi & Joe: check with Doc, Dean about VRM + CRM
  • Judi & Joe: a couple more meetings this week to fill in more info on Google Doc
  • Joe: mock up "nutritional label" conceptual diagram,
  • Joe: Future action item: diagram to be followed by conversations/pitches from designers
  • Iain: check with Lucy re: state of our budget, Kantara's perspective on their funding priorities

Next Regular Meeting

TUESDAY 14 June 2011 - 90 minutes
9am Hawaii, noon Pacific Daylight, 3pm EDT, 8pm UK Daylight
Skype: +9900827042954214
US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
UK Dial-In: +44 (0) 8454018081
Room Code: 2954214

NOTE: Do not follow the code with a "#" symbol as it may cause the code not to be recognized.