Weekly Meeting 2012 09 17 Notes

Weekly Meeting 2012 09 17 Notes

Information Sharing Work Group Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Monday, 17 September 2012
  • Time: 12pm PT | 3pm EST | 8pm UK
  • Please join my meeting via GoToMeeting
  • Join the conference call
    • Skype: +99051000000481
    • US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350
    • UK Dial-In: +44-20-3137-5285
    • Conference ID: 178-2540
    • GoToMeeting ID: 844-771-298


  • Joe Andrieu
  • Iain Henderson



  1. Attendance
  2. Approval of Prior Minutes & Other Motions
  3. Prior Action Item Review
  4. Old Business
  5. New Business
  6. Action Item Review


1. Attendance

We noted that with 2 voting member in attendance, quorum was not met.

2. Motions


3. Prior Action Item Review

  1. Joe: Draft expanded http://standardlabel.org site (TARGET: IIW)
  2. Joe to write up Use Case discussion
  3. Joe: Create an examples section on website and give Iain access
  4. Iain to publish latest standard label example to Kantara wiki, Joe to upload current version (label v 0.2)
  5. Joe: publish v.0.5

4. Old Business

Standard Label Specification – No Change

v/0.5 in edits; JSON spec in partial draft

Current Demo – No Change

Code repository can be found at https://github.com/jandrieu/Standard-Label ; This needs to be split soon to put the label related code separate from plugin; Currently working on getting data to be be remote (maybe halfway there)

Will target an updated demo for IIW. Hopefully new logo, perhaps new label graphics. Definitely working with Google Search.


No news at all.

UK NSTIC (Internet of things project)

Nothing yet.

Kickstarter – No change

Will launch on a longer term horizon, after we have baseline plugin with crowdsourced label repository.

Not sure if we can get this in by IIW. But will try.

Promotion – No change

Businesses – Basically consulting help getting up to speed with using Standard Labels, plus sponsorship

Co-Promoters – Consumer Federation of America*, Consumer Action, Customer Commons, PDEC, Kantara, Open Notice, Common Terms, Sneaky Bastards, NSTIC.   EFF, Consumers Union, ProjectVRM, TOS: DR

Note: look at CFA site for organizational partnerships.

Thought Leaders – Doc Searls, Drummond Reed, Phil Windley, Mark Jeffrey, John Battelle, Andre Durand, Kaliya Hamlin, Mark Lizar, Dazza Greenwood, Umair Haque, Venkatesh Rao, Bob Blakley, John Ventana, John McKean. I'm sure we're missing folks here...

Working with Christian Gray as sales and sales coach to pre-sell and sell reward participation during the Kickstarter.

Timing: looks like we might be live during IIW in October. Let's make the most of that.


Note: Looks like Customer Commons might be doing a Kickstarter something or other at IIW.

Website – No Change




  1. Announcement List
  2. Examples/Exploration
  3. Link to Specification
  4. LInk to ISWG
  5. Get Involved
  6. Pitch
    1. What's in it for me
  7. Big Picture
    1. Why its important
    2. Things are changing
    3. How it works
  8. Tools
    1. Label Generator / Form
  9. Code
    1. GitHub link
  10. Clearinghouse
  11. About
  1. Landing Page
    1. [Pitch]
    2. Vision
    3. Try It
      1. Label Demo
      2. Plugin Instructions (link to Amicus)
      3. Label Generator
    4. Join
      1. ISWG
      2. Kickstarter
      3. Announcement List
      4. Twitter
      5. Facebook
    5. Tools
      1. Label Generator
      2. Code
      3. Clearinghouse
    6. How we got Here

5. New Business

Customer Voice Standard Label

Interesting use case. Single permissioning ceremony, single set of data, single purpose, different recipients.

Recipients have unique

  1. name (Data Recipients)
  2. location
  3. contact
  4. ratings

Recipients share

  1. Shared Data
  2. Data Source
  3. Availability
  4. Purpose
  5. Duration
  6. Revocation
  7. Redistribution
  8. Access
  9. Additional Terms
  10. Master Agreement
  11. Author

This implies label data schema and rendering needs to support multiple data recipients that may share or NOT share any particular term.

Our schema is now conceptually 2 revs ahead of our rendering engine and 1 rev ahead of our JSON model. JUST FYI.


Some development going on here, thanks to conversations with Iain about simplifying it. Iain is looking to have it represent the "relationship status" as understood by the CRM world, with affordances for the individual to update/correct.

6. Action Items Review
  1. Joe: Draft expanded http://standardlabel.org site
  2. Joe to write up Use Case discussion
  3. Joe: Create an examples section on website and give Iain access
  4. Iain to publish latest standard label example to Kantara wiki, Joe to upload current version (label v 0.2)
  5. Joe: publish v.0.5
  6. Joe: follow up with Yeryeong about design stuff

7. Next Meeting

Monday 24 September 2012 - 90 minutes
Time: 12pm PT | 3pm EST | 8pm UK