Weekly Meeting 2012 06 26 Notes
Weekly Meeting 2012 06 26 Notes
Information Sharing Work Group Teleconference
Date and Time
- Date: Tuesday, 26 June 2012
- Time: 8:30am PST | 11:30am EST | 4:30pm UK
- Please join my meeting via GoToMeeting
- Join the conference call
- Skype: +99051000000481
- US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350
- UK Dial-In: +44-20-3137-5285
- Room Code: 178-2540
- GoToMeeting ID: 844-771-298
- Joe Andrieu
- Michael Larson
- Iain Henderson
- Attendance
- Approval of Prior Minutes & Other Motions
- Prior Action Item Review
- Old Business
- New Business
- Standard Label
- Road Map
- Revised Term Names
- Website Update
- Action Item Review
1. Attendance
We noted that with 2 voting members in attendance, quorum was not met.
2. Motions
3. Prior Action Item Review
- Joe to write up Use Case discussion (not yet done)
- Iain to publish latest standard label example to web site, Joe to upload current version (label v 0.2) (not yet done)
- Joe: Contact Eve for help with the specification (not done, future item)
- Joe: Draft expanded http://standardlabel.org site Not done, future item)
- Joe to load label version 3 to web site (DONE)
4. Old Business
UK NSTIC (Internet of things project)
Standard Label Specification.
Road Map
5. New Business
Cloud Identity Summit http://www.cloudidentitysummit.com/
Invited to present the Standard Label demo. Joe will be going.
6. Standard Information Sharing Label
Road Map
- Software
- Browser Addon
- Chrome
- Firefox
- IE?
- Label data server
- Database
- Crowdsourced data management flow
- How do we gamify it?
- Virtual Castle built by contributors, using points earned by contributing
- Reputation
- Badges/Trophy
- Engage folks like Those Sneaky Bastards, The Biggest Lie, Common Terms, etc.
- How do we gamify it?
- Reputation server
- The Cake is a Lie architecture (Kevin Marks & Randy Farmer)
- http://buildingreputation.com/writings/2009/12/the_cake_is_a_lie_reputation_f_1.html
- Browser Addon
- Database
- Top Targets
- Google Search
- Facebook Status
- TurboTax
- Amazon
- eBay
- Can we get lawyers? Yes, we can try!
- Shannon Senn
- Heidi Duran
- Web database interface
- internal team
- volunteer team
- crowd sourced
- Build this out as a series of blog posts
- One/Week
- Starting
- Top Targets
- Specification
- Update Terms
- Add use cases
- Add data profile
- data representation
- data location
- Add the icon
- Tested. (Apply the spec to Top Targets)
- Promotion
- Petition Drive (for user to say they want sites to use it)
- Pledge Drive (for websites to pledge they will use it)
- Kickstarter 2.0 / NSTIC
- Blog Series (about Standard Labels)
- Video / Infographs
- DUI / Safe Sex / Smoking parallels
- Take this Lollipop https://www.facebook.com/TakeThisLollipop2
- Girls around me
- http://www.weknowwhatyouredoing.com/
- How do we get around the fundamental bias?
- Those people are silly/stupid, but I'm smart
- Train the Trainer Workshops (Consumer Action)
- Presentations
- Community Organizations
- Chamber of Commerce
- Rotary
- Topics:
- Privacy, Transparency, Trust & Intimacy through Customer Choice
- Community Organizations
- Blogs about presentations
- QUESTION: Who is our target market?!?!
- Varies by product/effort
- Kickstarter
- Petition
- Crowdsourcing
- Varies by product/effort
- Funding
- Kickstarter
- Kantara ?? What is the status there?
- Foundation Grants?
- Security
- Survivalists? Gun Nuts?
- Aging people are often targets and victims for identity thefts
- Safety
- Privacy
- Security
Label Terms
Use Case Update
Default label for websites (applicable to Cookies, IP addresses, etc.)
7. Action Items Review
- Joe to write up Use Case discussion
- Iain to publish latest standard label example to web site, Joe to upload current version (label v 0.2)
- Joe: Contact Eve for help with the specification (not done, future item)
- Joe: Draft expanded http://standardlabel.org site Not done, future item)
8. Next Meeting
Tuesday 03 July 2012 - 90 minutes
Time: 8:30am PST | 11:30am EST | 4:30pm UK
, multiple selections available,