Open Notice --> Weekly Meeting 2013 09 10 Notes

Open Notice --> Weekly Meeting 2013 09 10 Notes


  1. Roll Call
  2. Start Phase 1: Minimum Viable Consent Tag - see workbook
  1. Discuss Use Case - work on the use case page on wiki
  2. Discuss Spreadsheet Structure/legal taxonomy of notice and consent
  3. Invite discussion on data schema elements and technical development
  •  Action input for next meeting
Roll Call
- Nick Crown
- Mary Hodder
- Iain Henderson
- Joe Andrieu
- Mark Lizar
Joe - Discussion of finding - or layers of issues involved in Open Notice
1. privacy policies (discovery of open notice) Open Notice -->
2. points to privacy policies --> Legal Readable
3. History of Consent 
4. Non repudiable receipt
5. Machine Readable - What is in a policy (icons)
6. Self Asserted Terms of Consent -- (Human, Machine, and Legal Readable) 
7. Negotiated 
8. Consent Revocation
Mary -  What about legal readable, this is about a linking directory, Drummond and Mary in 2005 created something called an (icad?) 
Comparison to micro-formats --> they documented a case study, then made a micro-format, and created a standard like ical. (good approach) 
Action --> look at Open Notice Discover y Mechanism that already exist and report to WG

Action - Create a list of consents types --> SAML list
Action - List of Common Notice and Consent 
Action --> editor for the spec - look at holding an election for this position
Action - Check and see if Kanatara can be involved in Consoritum EU funding
Actin - Look for Co-Ordinator for the calls and meetings