AMDG Notes 2011-10-25

AMDG Notes 2011-10-25


Heather Flanagan
Bob Sunday
Brendan Bellina
Colin Wallis
Abbie Barber
Keith Hazelton
Sal D'Agostino

Myisha Frazier-McElveen

Anna Ticktin



  • Roll Call---quorum not achieved
  • Leadership Nominations / Elections
  • This action will be taken to the list.

Action item review:

  •     Contribute Use Cases and Current Efforts to repository---on going.
  •     Link to REFEDS. Closed.

2. Review of Repository Updates

3. Request from F2F meeting:
30 / 90 / 180 day deliverables

  • 30 days (Q4 deliverable) : complete collection of documentation for the repository
  • Keith highlights the need for getting attributes mapped to attribute providers where the identifiers don't match.
  • Heather takes an action to update REFEDS documentation to the repository.
  • Sal takes an action to add use cases to the repository.
  • Colin takes an action to migrate eGov materials to the repository.
  • 90 days (Q1 2012 deliverable) : Identify gaps based on evidence in the repository

4. AOB

  • None
