AMDG Notes 2011-10-10

AMDG Notes 2011-10-10


Abbie Barber
Sal D'Agostino
Heather Flannegan
LaChelle LeVan
Keith Hazelton

Anna Ticktin



  • Roll Call---quorum was not reached. What follows are unofficial meeting notes.
  • Motion for minutes approval: 26 Sept 2011(carried to next quorate call)

Reminder : Open Call for DG nominations

  • 1. Chair / (Co-Chair) (duties detailed in section 3.3.1 of the  Operating Procedures)
  • 2. Vice-Chair (duties detailed in section 3.3.2 of the Operating Procedures)
  • 3. Secretary (duties detailed in section 3.3.4 of the Operating Procedures)
  • Nominations will be open until 17:00 PT Friday, 21 October, 2011.

2. Is the DG necessary? Can We Craft a problem statement?
    (Wiki repository : http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/AMDG/Repository)

  • Heather---It seems the industry agrees on a definition of attributes but where the group might be able to flex its muscle may be around attribute aggregation, meta data around attributes, trust?
  • The DG agrees.
  • The group is also more interested in roll related rather than authentication based attributes.
  • SCIM (Simple Cloud Identity Management) is highlighted here as an area to be researched/focused.
  • The problem statement is identifying the gaps as is called for in the charter.
  • Concerning aggregation, do we take it to the attribute and id providers and are there further buckets?
  • The group agrees that whilst there are other entities out there, it will focus its efforts on people.
  • Action Item 20111010-01 AMDG : Contribute use cases and current efforts to the wiki repository (link above).
  • Action Item 20111010-02 Heather : Link work being done by TERENA REFEDS (Research and Education Federations) into the wiki repository. (The group is being informed by EU policy makers and US folks in the Academic / Research sectors.)

3. AOB

  • None
