AMDG DRAFT Minutes 2011-11-08

AMDG DRAFT Minutes 2011-11-08

Date and Time

  • Date: Tuesday, 08 Nov 2011
  • Time: 11:00 PT | 14:00 ET | 20:00 CET


  • Sal D'Agostino
  • Keith Hazelton
  • Heather Flanagan
  • Anna Ticktin
  • Bob Sunday
  • Colin Wallace
  • Rainer Hoerbe


  • Abbie Barbir


1. Administrative
a. Roll Call
b. Motion for minutes approval AMDG Meeting Minutes
c. Leadership Nominations/Elections
d. Action Item review:
i. Contribute to use cases – all, Sal
ii. Mapping of attributes to providers --all
iii. Update of REFEDS documentation - Heather
iv. Migrate eGov materials – Colin
2. Review of Kantara Workshop – Washington, DC – Sal
3. 90 Day Deliverable – Identify gaps in attribute landscape
a. Mapping attributes to providers where they don’t match
4. OASIS Trust Elevation Meeting
5. Any other business (AOB)



Roll Call: quorum achieved
  •   Motion of minutes : there are no official minutes at this time to approve
  • (Reminder that notes from a call without quorum remain unofficial "notes" and will not be official "minutes" unless read, and thus entered into the record, at the next quorate call.
Action Item Review :
  • Contribute to use cases – all, Sal
  • Mapping of attributes to providers --all
  • Done Update of REFEDS documentation - Heather
  • Done Migrate eGov materials – Colin

New Action Items

  • 20111108-01: all: review Account Linking doc and provide feedback by next call*
  • 20111108-02: Keith: Move Attribute Aggregation use case up to VO section*
  • 20111108-03: Sal: Sal to post the PIV2SAML items to the use case repository*
  • 20111108-04: all: to review the eGov requirements and see what information can be used/discussed at next call*
  • 20111108-05: Sal: reach out to the background check industry to see if they are willing to participate in the DG-AM*

Action Item discussion - Repository work

New section in use case repository: Higher Ed/Research
  • review of VO use case (Heather)
  • Review of account linking use case (Heather)
    • Action Item: please review the linked doc
  • Review of social identity gateway (Keith)
  • Review of Attribute Aggregation (Keith)
    • Action Item: move that section under VO section above
    • this area is potentially a gap; no one on the call was able to identity a specific area/group working strongly in this space; there are some tentative moves in this area but more work must be done in this space
US Gov use case?
  • Mapping PIV to SAML - potential use case? not too dissimilar to the social2SAML gateway, this would be a PKI2SAML situation
    • Action Item: Sal to post this to the use case repository
Attribute Mapping
  • talk about the different Identity Providers and who provides what; begin to map what is out there if someone were in the attribute providing service, something more than just identifiers; not to converge on definitions but to see if we agree to who provides what (something referred to in the Trust Frameworks metamodel?)
  • are we profiling what an attribute authority will respond to or what it will respond with? if we try to tackle semantics, that's really too big
    • we do have a set of commonly used attributes (eduPerson, healthperson, core LDAP attributes) to be used as references
    • for attribute assurance levels we have to be cautious about calling it an assurance level until we have an idea of what kind of metrics we can use around attribute assurance
Use cases of attribute release models
  • individual user consent
  • attributes of a company are released per service provider based on legal requirements, but employee in the company is never asked for consent to release their corporate attributes
egov information in Requirements
  • holding off on more detailed discussion until Colin is present
    • Action Item for group: review this section and see what applies

Review of Kantara Workshop

  • Sal did an eGov presentation
  • was quite a bit of conversation by/around topic of attributes; one of the large background database companies were represented and they did not want to be in the business of attributes, they wanted to be just answering questions about individuals
    • Action item: if we could get representation from that group, that would be good for this DG (Sal)

90 day deliverable

  • the smallest group within which we find gaps is where we need to start, in order to be able to have something actionable
  • engaging federations may work, but that might still be large
Gaps identified so far
  • assurance level of attributes
  • what do we define for a federation of attribute authorities (which is different than a federation of identity authorities) you'd obviously need common semantics among that group, but what would they be?

OASIS Trust Elevation Meeting

  • Abbie and Joni will both attend that meeting and Sal will ask for feedback from them

Any Other Business... Adjourn

Next Meeting

  • Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2011
  • Time: 1100 PST | 1400 EST | 2000 CET (Time Chart)
  • Dial in: Skype: +9900827044630912 or US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 4630912