AMDG KickOff 2011-09-26

AMDG KickOff 2011-09-26


Sal D'Agostino
Colin Wallis
Rainer Hoerbe
Heather Flannegan
Keith Hazelton
Abbie Barber

Anna Ticktin



  • Roll Call
  • Welcome and Charter Review
  • Announcement : Nominations for DG Leadership
  • Telecon Schedule. The DG will begin meeting biweekly.

2. What is an "attribute" and what is "attribute management"?

  • Review of attribute definitions:
  • TFMM use cases:
  • C10: Delegated Identity Management (basic use case with IdP managing attributes)
  • C20: Service Provider Centric model (IdP provides attributes)
  • C32: Identity Federation
  • C33: Cross Border Identity Federation
  • C40: Attribute Provider separate from IdP
  • C41: Attribute Provider with RP (Canda Gov. use case)
  • C50: Enterprise user
  • C60: Subject Types (devices)
  • ACTION ITEM 20110926-01 Anna : to create pages on the AMDG wiki for attribute definition links, use cases and requirements.

3. Discussion of authoritative vs. trusted sources and the existing sources of attribute providers.

DG Questions:

  • Does the DG need to craft a general problem statement ?
  • e.g. What are the values of an attribute (framework)?|e.g. What are the values of an attribute (framework)?
