HIA WG PIDS Kickoff Call 2011-03-03 Minutes

HIA WG PIDS Kickoff Call 2011-03-03 Minutes

Kantara HIAWG Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Thursday, March 3, 2011
  • Time: 10 am PDT | 1 pm EDT | 5 pm UTC | 7 pm CEST


  • Dan Combs
  • John Fraser
  • Myisha Frazier-McElveen
  • Barry Hieb
  • Pete Palmer
  • Bob Pinheiro
  • Laurie Tull
  • Daniel Bennett
  • Tony Goulding
  • Dazza Greenwood
  • Adrian Gropper
  • David Minch
  • Rick Moore
  • Tom Smedinghoff
  • Lara Zimberoff


No apologies.


1. Roll call

2. Approval of minutes

3. Welcome and Introductions

4. PIDS Launch

   a) Kantara Project Summary – Joni Brennan (5 minutes) 

   b) eCitizen: Project Launch – Daniel Bennett, Dan Combs, Dazza Greenwood (15 minutes)

   c) Ray Campbell, CEO of Mass Health Data Consortium, on PIDS (10 minutes) 

   d) Discussion of PIDS Project (15 minutes)

5. Adjourn


1. Roll Call

See above.

2. Approval of Minutes

Due to this being a Kickoff Call and not a regular HIA WG, the group decided that minutes from the 2/17/11 call will be approved on the next regularly scheduled WG call on 3/17/11.

3. Welcome and Introductions

Intro by John Fraser: Welcome to kickoff call for PIDS project. Thanks to Peter Hirsch and Cisco for hosting the call and WebEx.

4.  PIDS Launch

Joni Brennan: Introduction, has worked closely with HIA WG and eCitizen. It’s been a great pleasure, we are looking forward to the project and its ability to improve patient care. We’re looking forward to multi-national input from our constituents. We’re very proud of the work HIA WG has done, and eCitizen has been a great team. We’re also grateful to our sponsor, OpenID Foundation of Japan.

Pete Palmer: Primary focus of our group is to promote this framework within healthcare.

Daniel Bennett: Introduction and thanks for participation of the call.

Dan Combs, CEO, eCitizen: We started working together, John, Pete, Rick and I, about 7 years ago, and have worked together on the HIA WG, the Liberty Alliance, and Kantara. For the past year, we’ve spent a fair amount of time getting this project up and running. I appreciate the confidence the HIA WG has shown in the project. Thank you all for being here today.

Dazza Greenwood, Executive Director, eCitizen: Similar to Dan, I’ve been pleased to work with this group. We have an exciting project here for EHRs that are accessible by individual patients. We think it’s very timely to propose this solution. (presents slides)

Fundamentally, we are developing a patient ID service that can be utilized within various services and devices to identify and authenticate the patient at log-in. We have decided to connect this with the relevant meaningful use transactions that have come out of ONC. The way we want to do that is with an open architecture so various vendors can inter-operate.  We’re seeking to create a PIDS that can authenticate a patient across multiple systems. In Phase 2, we will be seeking a number of players to further develop and test this implementation. The goal is to specify the technology so that it is technology and vendor neutral.

Dan Combs: When we started this project, I think we expected the project would intersect with others. This slide shows some of the intersections we have identified. I wouldn’t claim this list is exhausted:

-  One of the most important is with the work that Kantara has already done. Kantara has developed a lot of critical material that it would be a crime to not include. We would like to continue to work with Kantara closely on this project.
-    National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC): still in the process of determining how this can be an NSTIC project
-    Meaningful Use Requirements
-    US Federal ICAM
-    NHIN Direct and / or Connect Project: this group will help us establish exchange of data
-    Major healthcare work such as: all of these really need this infrastructure that we are creating:
o    EHR/PHRs - funding
o    Health Information Exchanges
o    Health Benefit Exchanges

The draft of the use case we developed over a year ago is specialized and has been developed to force the issues of the project. A college student is away from home, has records at home, and needs medical assistance in his new location. The student will request the information, receive the PHR and store the data, then forward that to his new provider in his new location. I think with that example, you can understand the value of this use case to the patient.

The project has a number of major milestones and deliverables (see project plan for milestones and deliverables)

Daniel Bennett: re: field survey: We will be working with many of you on the call, as well as many more, on the field survey. We will be looking for documents, blog postings, articles, videos, etc. that are relevant to the project. We also want to have a specially focused 3rd party field service for health portals that already exist, methods of issuing ID tokens, authentication and permissions, and how well they are designed to manage this information. (Daniel walks through steps to submit information online for field survey – see link on wiki)

Dazza: To be clear, we’re looking for data on information exchange in the health identity space. We will be interviewing a broad range of stakeholders and interested parties in the data gathering phase, as well, which will include many of you on this call. We will also be reaching out to patients through various organizations. From this, we will develop a requirements and constraints document to synthesize the feedback. When it is finalized, we will move into design phase.

Dan Combs: I want to instill some amount of fear and dread in everyone. If we look back at what it took to get to this point, it was about a year long process. It would be a shame for there to be any delays. I would like you all to take note that you need to start thinking about how you will participate in phase 2. We will develop the contact list, promotional materials, and will distribute those materials as best we can. We need your help to gain participants. It would be great if you all take the initiative to help us move into phase 2 with the funds and resources we need for this project.

Daniel Bennett: Introduction of Ray Campbell, CEO of Mass Data Consortium, friend to eCitizen and leader in the field.

Ray: I’ve enjoyed the call and what has been discussed so far! Identity has always been cropping up in my position, but in the past few months, it seems the pace is starting to accelerate. We are at a point where either consistency or inconsistency will be established. This is a great project at a great time. The MDH was established in the 70s as a neutral aggregator of health data, which was controversial at the time. After a number of years when the issue was no longer controversial, the state took over. Over the years, we have been an incubator of most of the healthcare IT projects in the state of Mass. Meaningful use has changed the shape of health IT because for the first time, a business case has been developed. The pairing of meaningful use and payment makes this project very important, so I am willing to do what I can to assist. I’m looking forward to being a resource, please let me know what I can do to help.

Daniel Bennett: Opens floor for questions.

Matthew Gardiner, CA: Are there relying parties lined up to take part in this?

Dazza: We haven’t yet lined up participants in phase 2. We are trying to engage reliant parties currently that we hope would want to participate in phase 2. If any of the individuals on the call can suggest ideas for participants, now is the time to let us know.

Matthew: we have a number of healthcare IT customers who are using identity to enable their service. A harder sell from you guys would assist. I can think of about 5 organizations who should be involved.

Dave Minch: 1. As it relates to the use case, we had a conversation about a month ago and I’m concerned and interested in getting the use case moving as soon as possible. 2. Protocol for moving data from PHRs to EHRs?

Daniel Bennett: We need to ensure that whatever we do in terms of architecture that we are working with those standards. It’s important for meaningful use.

Dave: If we approach it from the standpoint of exchanging documents, that will be the most successful for us.

John Fraser: one of the issues I’m sure people are wondering is how OpenID, who provided funding, fits into this architecture.

Dazza: OpenID has been very gracious in understanding that we are undergoing a requirements gathering project. We will reflect back to them on the requirements and constraints, and will make a recommendation about what specifically we’re supporting. We’re not presuming what the results will be, but we are considering what OpenID would offer and support.

Daniel Bennett: I think the last question helps quite about to explain our approach. The term “open architecture”  indicates that we’re looking at this system to be as modular as possible.

Daniel thanks participants who have to exit call at top of the hour and encourages them to continue to participate in future calls.

John Fraser: best way to stay involved is to join Kantara, specifically our list serve. You can join at no cost, but also as a paid member. Thanks to Cisco to host call. Thanks to eCitizen for the kickoff today, we look forward to continuing to work with you.

Barry Hieb: How long is the survey process expected to last?

Daniel Bennett: The field survey forms will be open for the entire process.

Dazza: we have a target date of 4/8 to conclude the data gathering.

Barry: Will kantara distribute the link to the survey tool?

Daniel Bennett: It will be posted on the site and will be distributed to the list serve.

John Fraser thanks all participants again and concludes the call.

5.  Adjourn

Next Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, March 17, 2011
  • Time: 10 am PDT | 1 pm EDT | 5 pm UTC | 7 pm CEST
  • Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Code: 4630912