2014-03-12 Meeting Minutes

2014-03-12 Meeting Minutes

Date and Time


  • Mark Lizar (CISWG)
  • Pete Palmer (HIAWG)
  • Eve Maler (UMAWG)
  • Colin Wallis (eGOV)
  • Sal D’Agostino (AIMWG)
  • Mary Hodder - Guest
  • Rich Furr (IAWG)
  • Aldea Meary-Miller

Quorum reached.

Minutes Approval

Motion to approve minutes 2.16.14 made by Rich Furr and seconded by Eve Maler. Motion carried.Administration

Action Item Review

No action items.

Executive Director Report

Joni was unavailable.


  1. Colin Wallis walked through the eGov Charter Review. Sal made a motion to vote it through. Pete seconded. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
  2. Nomination of Aldea Meary-Miller as Secretary. Pete made the motion. Rich seconded. Motion carried by unanimous consent.

Discussion Items

  1. Overview of NSTIC Pilot Submission. Mary discussed. Mark discussed grant for feasibility study. One grant next Wednesday and two big ones in April.
  2. Overview of IAWG revisions and the future development roadmap. Rich asked for a one to two liners to incorporate into the roadmap.
  3. Topics for the European F2F on the 10/11th May (the weekend before EIC 2014) in Munich
  4. Recaps of RSA, HIMSS, and Other Events. Pete said the video was a big hit and he promised a use case for next year.
  5. Why the WGs have falling participation and what should the LC do about it (from Colin).  Tabled until next meeting.

UMA Updates

  • Eve said UMA corps specs approved by group. There is a webinar next Thursday at 8:00 pacific.



Original Agenda

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve Minutes: LC Telecon Minutes 2014-01-15
  3. Administration:
    1. Action Item Review
    2. Executive Director Report - see Executive Director's Corner
  4. Voting
    1. eGov Charter Review - Working Drafts
    2. Nomination of Aldea Meary-Miller as Secretary
  5. Discussion
    1. Overview of NSTIC Pilot Submission
    2. Overview of IAWG revisions and the future development roadmap

    3. Topics for the European F2F on the 10/11th May (the weekend before EIC 2014) in Munich
    4. Recaps of RSA, HIMSS, and Other Events
    5. Why the WGs have falling participation and what should the LC do about it

    6. UMA Updates - UMA news, including notice of a newly approved draft of the UMA Core spec, an upcoming webinar next week, and imminent interop efforts, and ask LC members what they think are the best ways Kantara should/could be supporting UMA's progress and adoption in the near term (say, the next quarter)
  6. Marketing updates
    1. TBD
    2. Marketing and Outreach
      1. Event Radar 2014
  7. WG Updates
  8. BoT Liaison Representative Update
  9. AOB
  10. Adjourn