2014-11-19 Meeting Notes

2014-11-19 Meeting Notes


Nov 19, 2014


  • Colin Wallis - eGov

  • Mary Hodder - CIS
  • Eve Maler - UMA
  • Sal D'Agostino - IRM, LC Vice Chair
  • Former user (Deleted) & Marissa - Staff


  • Cover the LC agenda. 

Discussion Items

Roll CallJoni
  • Non-Quorate, 5 of 8 needed. 4 in attendance.
5minLC Nominations, election scheduleJoni
  • Two nominations
  • For Chair - Sal D'Agostino
  • Secretary - Pete Palmer
  • Action: Marissa will send out a call for objections to unanimous acclimation for Chair and Secretary.
5minDiscussion of convergence around two themesJoni
  • How to build logistics operations around the two themes.  The site has been updated.  
  • Action: Recommend an ad-hoc or full LC agenda call to discuss how to operationalize the two themes. 
5minWG updatesJoni, WG Chairs
  • UMA - In issue burn down mode to work toward v1.0.  (UMA Core, Oauth, Binding obligations etc) Interop work is proceeding. Roland Hedberg is doing some great supportive work at this point.  UMA is liaising with the new HEART WG in OIDF.  UMA is seeking deep public review to finalize in 2015 which is targeted around Q1, Q2 as progress dictates. Also ForgeRock has started an OpenUMA open source project and more news will come on this topic. Watch twitter for updates regarding Eve participating with Jeremy Grant regarding NSTIC and the recent US Presidential Executive Order. 
  • eGov - Seeking to move to discussion group versus working group as they will feed input to WGs.  They will review slight differences and will look to make recommendation to LC in December.
  • CIS - Have been meeting with low attendance and seeking to get higher engagement in to the group. They seek to put their specification through the process. There is a 2 hour working meeting on Thursday Nov 20 for those who are interested to join.  Perhaps the CIS may plan a webinar to showcase what they're working on.  They are brainstorming with engineers and stakeholders like Nat Sakimura (NRI) about reaching further regarding consent registry. They are planning how to capture their work items in to proposals for grant or other funding to move forward.
  • Trustees have been moving forward with the policies and procedures.  The Trustees will vote on the Financial Policy and Bylaws. The Operating Procedures will come to the LC to finalize.
  • Action: Joni will send the Budget Request Template to LC. Please share with your WGs.

Action Items