2014-09-24 Meeting Notes
Date and Time
- Date: Wednesday, 24 September 2014
- Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 21:00 UTC (time chart)
- Dial-in: Skype:+99051000000481
- US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350 | Room Code: 402-2737
- For more dial-in information, see: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info
- Roll Call
- Approve Minutes: LC Telecon Meeting Minutes 2014-08-26
- Review: LC Telecon Meeting Notes 2014-07-16
- Administration:
- Action Item Review
- Update on LC Summer Call Schedule
- Executive Director Report - see Executive Director's Corner
- Voting
a. Review of IAF 3520 - (S3A Specification of a Service Subject to Assessment) FD v2.3 ( https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/-wchB )
b. Shutting down AIM
c. Officers elected for Identity Relationship Management WG - Discussion Items
a. Funding Opportunities for WG Initiatives - Some suggestions include editor for all of the ongoing IAF updates, policy authoring for PKI scope expansion, writer for the healthcare feasibility study. Other potential opportunities should be discussed as well.b. Resume and progress the notion of work groups coalescing around a small number (3 or 4) key themes.
C. LC needs to look at the working groups and find where there is synergy and where there can be collaboration, and evaluate the meaningfulness of the various existing WGs. Call to action with a mandatory off cycle call. Discuss letter sent out by Pete and Sal.
d. Policy Review and Updates (Marissa)
- Marketing Updates
- Dates for future KI events.
- Marketing and Outreach
- WG Updates
- BoT Liaison Representative Update
- Adjourn
*From the operating procedures, SECTION 2.6: For the purpose of maintaining a reasonable ability to achieve Quorum, any Voting Member of the LC who fails to attend two consecutive meetings of the LC may, at the discretion of the Chair, be re-classified as a non-voting member. Voting status may be reacquired by attending a meeting of the LC. In the case of an electronic vote of the LC, if the electronic vote is initiated while a member is in non-voting status, the member may not vote in that electronic vote.
Discussion Items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |