2009-2011 LC Resolutions

2009-2011 LC Resolutions

Leadership Council Resolutions

The resolution number is the date the resolution passed, followed by a letter.  In general the letter is only for separation, though in some cases chronological order is necessary to be captured.


Text of Resolution


Approve 2011-04-13 minutes.


Shut down the IOP WG and have its functions transferred to the IRB.


Approve 2011-03-30 minutes.


Shut down the Liberty Spec Maintenance WG and take the appropriate related actions.


Approve 2011-03-16 minutes.


Approve Trust Framework Meta Model (TFMM) WG charter with the addition of OASIS as a liaison target.


Approve 2011-03-02 minutes.


Approve Identity Assurance Framework: Service Assessment Criteria – Profiling Rules v1.0 document.


Shut down the Identity Community Update DG and the Map the Gap DG.


Form a subcommittee of LC members to figure out trust framework coordination and get coordination calls started.


Approve 2011-02-09 minutes.


Shut down the Concordia DG, Client WG, and Japan DG.


Approve 2011-01-05 minutes.


Approve Open Source Work Group charter.


Approve process guideline on LC Approval of Group Reports.


Move the LC calls an hour earlier, to 21:00 GMT (at this time of year it's 1pm PT, 4pm ET, 10pm CET, 6am next day JP).


Schedule the LC calls for 60 minutes instead of 90.


Approve 2010-12-22 minutes.


Release funding and assign ledger codes for first two P3WG events, the ULX mockup, and the HIA patient ID portal immediately, and put a hold on the rest until we can sort out the Japan WG funding issues.


Approve the Federation Operator Guidelines and undertake an All-Member Ballot for Kantara-wide approval.


Approve LC telecon 2010-12-08 minutes.


Move the LC meeting time in the new year to 2pm Pacific etc. (sample time chart).


Approve LC telecon 2010-11-10 minutes.


Approve LC telecon 2010-11-22 notes by reading them into the current minutes by reference.


Install John Bradley in the "second BoT liaison from the LC" position.


The LC accepts the Information Sharing Report and Personal RFP Engagement Model.


For IAWG 2011 budget allocation requests: Recommend up to $33,000 for SAC work (towards request A), with the exact amount to be determined by the BoT, with proper oversight that the money is well spent. Recommend up to 7K (towards request B) for dollar-for-dollar matching funds on profile work. Recommend no amount towards requests C and D.


Approve the following set of Leadership Council recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding 2011 budget allocations: For "ULX WG - Continue UX Mock-Up Development" request of $5000: Recommend allocation of the full amount; For "InfoSharing WG" request of $15,000: Recommend a guaranteed baseline of $5000, with up to an additional allocation of $10,000 available to match contributions dollar-for-dollar from outside sources; For "P3WG - A" request of $10,000: Recommend allocation of $2500; For "P3WG - B" request of $4000: Recommend allocation of $2500; For "P3WG - C" request of $4000: Recommend allocation of $2500; For "Healthcare Identity WG" request of $10,000: Recommend allocation of $10,000, with the following two conditions (John clarifies that incremental contributions can be matched): a) The 2010 budget allocation is successfully paid out, and b) Kantara itself will match, dollar for dollar, amounts contributed by outside sources in 2011, up to $10,000 total; For "Japan WG - D" request of $8000: Recommend allocation of $2500 per event, for a total of $7500 for all three events; For "Federation Interoperability WG - A" request for $5000: Recommend allocation of $2500 per event, for a total of $5000 for two events; For "Federation Interop WG - B" request for $5000: Recommend allocation of the full amount.


Approve Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-10-13 minutes.


Approve Leadership Council Meeting - 2010-10-19 notes by reading them into the current minutes by reference.


Approve Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-10-27 notes by reading them into the current minutes by reference.


Thank outgoing officers Trent and Colin.


Install Trent as the LC member of the Budget Planning Committee.


To accept the minutes as recorded for the Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-09-29


To accept the Consumer Identity Work Group Interim Report approved by the group on October 12, 2010 and as submitted to the Leadership Council Secretary on October 12, 2010.


To accept the minutes as recorded for the Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-09-15


To accept the Final Report by the Concordia DG titled "Deployment Guide for Proxying Assurance between OpenID and SAML", version 1.0, dated September 9, 2010 and submitted to the LC Secretary on September 27, 2010.


To accept the minutes as recorded for the Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-09-01


To accept the minutes as recorded for the Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-08-04


To accept the minutes as recorded for the Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-07-07


To accept the Report titled "Test Plan for Kantara Initiative Test Event Test Criteria SAML 2.0" approved by the Interoperability Working Group (IOPWG) on July 28th, and submitted to the Leadership Council Secretary on August 2nd. This is accepted by the LC as submitted with the provision that outdated references to Liberty Alliance and web site be corrected as appropriate within 30 days.


To accept the minutes as recorded for the Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-06-23


To accept the Identity Assurance Work Group Report titled "Identity Assurance Framework: US Federal Privacy Profile" as submitted to the Leadership Council Secretary on June 29th, 2010. With the provision that the normative language syntax be edited for consistency.


To accept the motion passed via electronic ballot closing on June 29, 2010 by the IdP Selection WG to dissolve the group.  Noting that the work being performed IdP Selection has been moved to the ULX WG.


To accept the minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-05-26


To support the External Funding Process as guidance the Leadership Council request the Board of Trustees adopt for the handling of external funding for Group Activities.


To accept the eGov Working Group Report titled "Kantara Initiative eGovernment Implementation Profile of SAML V2.0" dated June 11, 2010 as submitted to the Leadership Council Secretary on June 22nd, 2010. Acceptance of this Report is contingent upon the WG voting to approve it, scheduled to close at 5pm PDT on June 23, 2010. Secretary Note: The Report was accepted by the eGov WG according to schedule.


To accept the Concordia Discussion Group Interim Report titled "Deployment Guide for Proxying Assurance between OpenID and SAML" as submitted to the Leadership Council Secretary on June 1st, 2010.


To accept the minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-05-12


To allow release of the funds in the sum of US$7,500 previously allocated in the 2010 budget for payment to Joe Andrieu for payment of services as the Use Cases editor, with the provision that he recuse himself from voting on issues relating to the allocation of the funds and that the WG submit to LC information on steps taken.


The LC sees value in allowing the US$10,000 of funds allocated to the InfoSharing WG during the 2010 budgeting process for the development of Legal templates being used within the pool of matched funds within the MyDex proposal for the UK Central Government "Trusted Services COMPETITION FOR COLLABORATIVE R&D AND FAST-TRACK FUNDING" program, with the provision that the InfoSharing WG provide a clear description of how the funds will be spent specifically on the template legal agreements and associated research supporting the sharing of "volunteered personal information".


To approve the minutes as recorded from the Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-04-28


To accept the Updated ULX WG Charter with the last sentence of Section (8) Duration: FROM: "This charter may be amended from time to time, with changes approved by the Leadership Council." TO: "The duration of this Work Group is intended to be indefinite, and charter may be amended from time to time, with changes approved by the Leadership Council."


To approve the proposed Identity Federation Work Group (IFWG) according to it's Charter, replacing the Scope Section (3) to read:
(3) SCOPE: Explain the scope and definition of the planned work.

Develop standards, processes and profiles to enable interoperability amongst Trust Framework Member Listing Services and their respective Federation Members. These services must provide trusted, up to date status and configuration information for Federation Members with heterogenous protocol support, including SAML, OpenID, IMI, WS-Fed. In addition these services must be extensible, scalable and easy to maintain.


To accept as general operating guidance the steps as outlined in the Group Shutdown Guidance Document


To accept the minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-03-31


To read the unofficial notes of the Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-04-14 into the minutes of the Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-04-28.


To accept the minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-03-24


To certify the following set of documents, previously approved by the Identity Assurance Work Group (IAWG) as a Draft Recommendation, to be presented collectively in an All-Member Ballot as a Kantara Initiative Recommendation to be known as the "Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance Framework (IAF) 2.0":

  1. Kantara IAF-1000-Overview.pdf
  2. Kantara IAF-1100-Glossary.pdf
  3. Kantara IAF-1200-Levels of Assurance.pdf
  4. Kantara IAF-1300-Assurance Assessment Scheme.pdf
  5. Kantara IAF-1400-Service Assessment Criteria.pdf
  6. Kantara IAF-1600-Assessor Qualifications and Requirements.pdf


To accept minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-02-17


To accept minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-01-20


To read into the minutes of this meeting the unofficial notes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-02-03


To approve the formation of the Interoperability Work Group (IOPWG) as defined by their charter.


To delegate to the eGov WG the responsibility for forming an informal liaison relationship between the eGov WG and the OASIS eGov Member Section.


To accept minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-01-06


To accept minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-12-09


To appoint Frank Villavincencio as the replacement for Conor Cahill as the Leadership Council liaison to the Board of Trustees.


To accept minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-11-11


To approve the formation of the Identity and Access Services Working Group (IAS-WG) as defined by their charter .


To approve the formation of the Telecommunications Identity Work Group (Telco ID WG) as defined by their charter .


To accept minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-10-21


To approve the formation of the Liberty Specification Maintenance Work Group (LSM WG) as defined by their charter .


To accept minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-10-14


Approval of Amendments to Operating Procedures for All Member Ballot - The following amendments to the Kantara Initiative Operating Procedures (version 1.0), as previously approved by the Board of Trustees, are hereby approved by the Leadership Council for submission to an All Member Ballot:

  • Add the following text as the third paragraph in section 2.6:
    • "For the purpose of maintaining a reasonable ability to achieve Quorum, any Voting Member of the LC who fails to attend two consecutive meetings of the LC may, at the discretion of the Chair, be re-classified as a non-voting member. Voting status may be reacquired by attending a meeting of the LC. In the case of an electronic vote of the LC, if the electronic vote is initiated while a member is in non-voting status, the member may not vote in that electronic vote."
  • Replace the fourth paragraph of section 3.3 (beginning "All WG Chair and...") with the following text:
    • "All WG Chair and Vice-chair and Editor elections shall be conducted by secret ballot unless the WG passes a motion by unanimous consent to hold a non-secret ballot."
  • In Section 3 (Work Groups) change "Intellectual Property policies" to "Intellectual Property Rights Policy".
  • In Section 3.7 (Decision Making), second paragraph, last sentence, change "vote occurs" to "vote is initiated".
  • Annex B (Discussion Group Request [Template]). Replace the explanatory text under section "(5) Copyright Policy" with the following:
    • "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported or another Organization approved Intellectual Property Rights Policy Option to cover any copyright material that may be produced as a result of DG Participants’ posts to the wiki or email archives."


To accept minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-10-07


To accept minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-09-30


The LC to approve the request for $4000 in 2010 budget for P3WG as per Item 4 in the Minutes of Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-10-07 to be sent to the BoT for consideration


To accept minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-09-23


The LC approve the request for $10,080.00 in supplemental funding in 2009 as made by IAWG as Deliverable 1 to be sent to the BoT for consideration.


The LC approve the request for $2,000.00 in supplemental funding in 2009 as made by the Japan WG for interpreter services at the November 6, 2009 event be sent to the BoT for consideration.


To change the name of the "User Driven and Volunteered Personal Information Tech Work Group (UDVPI-Tech)" to the "Information Sharing Work Group (Info Sharing WG)".


The LC accept Colin Wallis as the LC Vice-Chair


To accept minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-09-09


To accept minutes as recorded for Leadership Council F2F - 2009-09-14


To approve the /wiki/spaces/PMO/pages/2232484 as submitted for BoT consideration.


To recommend to the BoT to insert "voting" before "Members" into Bylaws Section 1.14 and insert a new definition in that section of "voting member", as "a member of a group that has met the voting eligibility criteria for that group".


To recommend to the BoT to adopt a new OP subsection of Section 2, based on existing Section 3.7 for WG quorum, that reads as follows: "For the purpose of maintaining a reasonable ability to achieve Quorum, any Voting Member of the LC who fails to attend two consecutive meetings of the LC may, at the discretion of the Chair, be re-classified as a non-voting member. Voting member status may be reacquired by attending a meeting of the LC. In the case of an electronic vote of the LC, if the electronic vote occurs while the Member is in non-voting status, the Member may not vote in that electronic vote."


To recommend to the BoT to add to the wording in Section 3.3 as follows (new portion in brackets) "All WG Chair and Vice-chair and Editor elections shall be conducted by secret ballot [unless the WG passes a motion by unanimous consent to hold a non-secret ballot]."


To accept the BPC recommendations for remanding to the BoT, with the following amendments:
change line 8, "ISO liaison from IAWG", to red (recommend not to fund) with a rationale that Kantara should have a bright line about never funding the travel of volunteers; change the recommendation on lines 21-23 to keep the $30K for PR and cut in half the other two line items, for a total of $61K; for lines 12-15, condition the release of funds on sufficient documentation of failed efforts to find volunteer community participation by 31 Dec 2009.


To recommend to the BoT to change the name of the IPR policy currently named "Option Liberty" to a name that is more descriptive of the legal definitions within that policy.


In consideration of the Kantara budget and the teleconference preferences and needs of Kantara groups and their members, recommend to the BoT to consider using multiple $40 high-definition teleconference lines rather than a single $79 high-definition line.


Minutes of 2009-08-19 meeting approved.


Minutes of 2009-08-26 meeting approved.


Minutes of 2009-09-02 meeting approved.


Clients WG charter approved.


Minutes of 2009-08-12 meeting approved.


eGovernment WG charter approved.


Healthcare ID Assurance WG charter approved.


Minutes of 2009-07-29 and 2009-08-05 meetings approved.


Minutes of 2009-07-15 meeting approved.


Minutes of 2009-07-22 meeting approved.


Make a deadline of Aug 15 for successful acceptance and Sep 14 for approval of founding charters for them to continue to count towards quorum.


The Kantara Initiative Leadership Council conceptually supports the Identity Assurance Certification Program, and would support the program being run as a special committee of the Board of Trustees.


Minutes of 2009-07-08 meeting approved.


Minutes of 2009-07-01 meeting approved.


To approve the formation of the ID-WSF Evolution Working Group (ID-WSF) as defined by their charter .


Minutes of 2009-06-24 meeting approved.


Consumer Identity WG charter approved.


P3 WG charter approved.


Approve minutes of 2009-06-17 meeting.


Japan WG charter approved.


IdP Selection WG charter approved. Is date correct?