2014-01-15 Meeting Minutes

2014-01-15 Meeting Minutes

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve Minutes:  LC telecon Minutes 2013-12-04
  3. Administration:
    1. Action Item Review
    2. Executive Director Report - see Executive Director's Corner
  4. Voting
    1. TBD
  5. Discussion
    1. Events and Plenaries for 2014
    2. KI’s eligibility rules on the Operating Procedures, and By Laws
  6. Marketing updates
    1. Planning for a Kantara Plenary meeting (potentially at EIC plenary in Munich?)
    2. Marketing and Outreach
      1. Event Radar 2014
  7. WG Updates
  8. BoT Liaison Representative Update
  9. AOB
  10. Adjourn

Minutes & Notes


Mark Lizar (CISWG)

Pete Palmer (HIAWG)

Eve Maler (UMAWG)

Ingo Friese (IDoT)

Colin Wallis (eGOV)

Sal D’Agostino (AIMWG)

Myisha Frazier-McElveen (IAF)

Quorum is 5 of 8 as of 22 May 2013.

Quorum reached.


Joni Brennan


Andrew Hughes

John Bradley



LC telecon Minutes 2013-12-04 - One Correction: Change "Maxsa" to "MACCSA" - Motion to approve made by Sal, seconded by Colin - Motion Carried.


a. Action Item Review


Assigned To




20130814-01Colin WallisOpenContact Peter Capek for any last edits to the PACColin has not heard back from Peter. Joni to see if Peter join IAWG and help to hand off the work of P3WG.
20130828-01Allan FosterOpenReach out to local U. Washington office re: potential internship No update. Joni to see if Peter join IAWG and help to hand off the work of P3WG

b. Executive Director Report

Joni provided a verbal summary of what is in the Director's Corner


Motion: "Motion to approve changing the name of the Information Sharing Work Group (ISWG) to Consent and Information Sharing Work Group (CISWG) and approve the new CISWG charter ". 

Mark Lizar walked us through the new charter.  Eve made the motion, Sal seconded.  No discussion, no dissent.  Motion carried.

WG Updates

IDoT - Ingo described his paper written for the IEEE world forum, featuring experience from the WG and the need for standardization of basic terms and shared vocabularies.

HIAWG - Pete and Joni described an issue that came up with DirectTrust.org not understanding the scope of component KI approval.

CISWG - Mark referred to the information he presented in the charter proposal

eGov - Earlier in the call Colin said their recharter effort was almost complete

BoT Liaison Representative Update

Colin had to drop.  No update.

Next meeting