10 February 2016 Agenda

10 February 2016 Agenda

  1. Date and Time

    ·  Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2016

    ·  Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 21:00 UTC (time chart)

    ·  Dial-in:  Skype:+99051000000481

    o    US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350 | Room Code: 402-2737

    o    For more dial-in information, see: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info


    Agenda for Leadership Committee Meeting February 10, 2016

    a.     Roll Call

    c.     Approve Minutes

    i.        Meeting Minutes  13 January 2016

    d.    Administration

    i.        Quarterly Reports

    ii.        Tools

    Working Drafts - please see the tools spreadsheet here.

    iii.        Voting

    iv.        Operationalizing the Kantara Theme and Collaboration

    •  Update on group IPR

      •  Trust services and connective life by IPR on spreadsheet (please find this document here: Working Drafts)

    e.    R&D Opportunities

    i.        CCICADA - Updates

    f.    BoT Liaison Report

    g. WG Updates 2016 i. funded projects and updates - Eve Maler - UMA Dev - details

    h.    Events

    i.  Sponsorship Opportunites - Non-Profits on the Loose at RSA 2016, Feb 29 through March 4 at RSA

    ii.        HIMSS – February 29 - March 4 - Las Vegas, NV 

    iv.        EIC 2016 Munich (Kantara workshop) - proposal submitted – May 10 - 13, 2016 

    v.        CIS 2016 New Orleans - request for proposals – June 6- 9, 2016 

    h.    BoT Liaison Report

    i.      Other Action Items Review: see

    j.      AOB

    • Suggestion to create a DG to work on events. All LC members have access, and any other members who sign up. GPA needed? (Colin)


    Action Items

      • Colin to work with Sal to draft a policy regarding more than one person chairing a WG. This has been started - Colin and Sal to reconnect with Andrew Hughes.
      • Pete Palmer to craft a few paragraphs on the HIMSS opportunity to be sent to the LC Working Group Leaders.- closed
      •  Colin Wallis to have a discussion about OASIS IPR with Jamie Clark - closed. 
      • Action ITEM: Jane to email the two voters from CA and note that only one vote can count. CA will be asked to designate a primary voter. - closed
      • Action ITEM: Jane will post the all-member vote results on the Wiki.
      • Action Item: Jane will draft a PR for the blog. Jane will ask Kolin Whitley and Eve Maler for a quote - very rough draft sent to Eve.  UMA to take up draft.- blog post completed.
      • Action ITEM: Jane will draft a blog announcement with Ken Dagg to send to Ruth after approval, for publishing.
      • Action ITEM: Colin will follow up with Scott to confirm he is reporting NIST/ISO C27 WG5 to include IAWG statements about mapping. Scott Shorter puts together the report for ISO. -closed
      • Action ITEM: Andrew contact Paul Grassi, in charge of standards for NIST, regarding how to officially inform NIST.- closed
      • Action ITEM: Ken Dagg will bring this CCICADA and federal agency project relevance up at the next BoT meeting.
      • Action ITEM: Colin to send the link for the code of conduct to Andrew Hughes/Ken Dagg for IA review. -closed
      • Action ITEM: Ken and Colin - Work with Ingo on getting the IEEE (or IIC?)Liaison Agreement placed on the BoT agenda. - Closed
      • Action ITEM: Sal will follow up with Eve Maler regarding the UMA funding proposals.- closed
      • Action ITEM: Jane to send an email to all LC Members about the NonProfits on the Loose sponsorship opportunity. Ken and Colin to let the BoT know about the sponsorship opportunity. - Closed
      • Action ITEM: Colin to form an EIC Munch 2016 subgroup.- on LC Agenda under AOB- closed
      • Action ITEM: Mike Schwartz to write a blog posting on RSA pre-campaign and member highlight.
      • Action ITEM: Jane to put dates and live links in with Events details.- closed