2016-01-13 Meeting Notes

2016-01-13 Meeting Notes


January 13, 2016


  • Sal D'Agostino - IRM

  • Andrew Hughes - IA

  • Ken Dagg - IA
  • Pete Palmer - HIA
  • Colin Wallis - e-Gov
  • Mike Schwartz - OTTO
  • Mark Lizar - OGC
  • Mary Hodder - UST
  • Ingo Friese DT
  • Jane Celusak - ISTO


  • Agenda for Leadership Committee Meeting January 13, 2016

    1. Roll Call

    2. Kantara IPR 

        1. Working Drafts - See Kantara IPR Policy Comparisons and Working Group IPR Use Cases

    3. Approve Minutes

      1. Meeting Minutes  2 December 2015 Meeting Notes

      2. Meeting Minutes 16 December 2015

    4. Administration

      1. Quarterly Reports

      2. Tools

        1. Working Drafts - please see the tools spreadsheet here.

      3. Voting

        1. All Member Ballot UMA Specification V1.0.1 results - next steps

        2. IAWG Reports: Kantara IAF5415 provides a mapping between the IAF SAC and ISO/IEC 29115 (ITU-T X.1254); and, IAF5463 provides a mapping between the IAF SAC and NIST 800-63-2
      4. Operationalizing the Kantara Theme and Collaboration

        1. Update on group IPR

        2. Trust services and connective life by IPR on spreadsheet (please find this document here: Working Drafts)

    5. R&D Opportunities

      1. CCICADA - Updates

      2. SBIR - Updates (Items #2 & 10, et.al.)
    6. WG Updates

      1. 2016 funding requests - update

    7. Events

      1. Sponsorship Opportunites - Non-Profits on the Loose at RSA 2016, Feb 29 through March 4
      2. HIMSS
      3. IHE
      4. EIC 2016 Munich (Kantara workshop) - proposal submitted
      5. CIS 2016 New Orleans - request for proposals
    8. BoT Liaison Report

    9. AOB

Discussion Items


Roll CallSal D;Agostino
  • Roll call at 4:05 p.m. EST.
 Kantara IPRColin Wallis
  • No update. Colin has a call scheduled with Jamie Clark of OASIS and will report by email.
 MinutesSal D'Agostino
  • Andrew Hughes motioned to accept the minutes of 2 December 2015; seconded by Sal D'Agostino. No objections.
  • Colin Wallis motioned to accept the minutes of 16 December 2015; seconded by Pete Palmer. No objections.



Sal D'Agostino
  • The UMA Specification vote passed. It was discussed that CA voted twice.
  • Action ITEM: Jane to email the two voters from CA and note that only one vote can count. CA will be asked to designate a primary voter.
  • Action ITEM: Jane will post the all-member vote results on the Wiki.
  • The results were 22 Yes, none against.  
  • Action Item: Jane will draft a PR for the blog. Jane will ask Kolin Whitley and Eve Maler for a quote.
  • IAWG has two reports 5415 and 5463. They have been produced in order to create guidance to CSPs or Assessors looking to be compliant with those standards (ISO/IEC 29115 and NIST 800-63-2 respectively)) and Kantara's IAF SAC. They are being presented to the LC for approval.
  • Sal D'Agostino motioned for the acceptance of Kantara IAF5415 provides a mapping between the IAF SAC and ISO/IEC 29115 (ITU-T X.1254) and IAF5463 provides a mapping between the IAF SAC and NIST 800-63-2
    Mark Lizar seconded the motion. No objections.
  • Action ITEM: Jane will draft a blog announcement with Colin to send to Ruth after approval, for publishing.
  • Action ITEM: Colin will follow up with Scott to confirm he is reporting NIST/ISO C27 WG5 to include IAWG statements about mapping. Scott Shorter puts together Kantara's Liaison Statement to go to ISO SC27.
  • Action ITEM: Andrew contact Paul Grassi, in charge of standards for NIST, regarding how to officially inform NIST.
 R&D OpportunitiesColin Wallis
  • CCICADA: There have been regular calls with Rutgers. DHS is sometimes on the call. They are subcontracting to Rutgers who is then subcontracting to applicants that come via Kantara. Kantara Initiative will get 10% of project as the administration oversight fee.
  • There is one active applicant going through the process which typically begins with a white paper and if accepted the applicant is invited to provide a detailed application.
  • Ruth is Secretariat for this program and has crafted a Wiki page which will be released in about a week for the LC to look at.
  • The funding is directed by DHS to fulfil their internal solutions requirements. What they want to see is funding that results in commercialized products that Federal agencies would also consume.
  • Range of types of work - Do we know how the topics can be communicated down to Kantara in advance of a project proposal? This is unclear - DHS doesn't want to get specific and miss latent needs.
  • Process - nothing is off the table as long as it can be commercialized. Looking for KI to manage the process and thought leadership.
  • Membership and broader community needs to be communicated to - through marketing.
  • Look carefully at the Press Release that went out in Oct/Nov for areas of focus.
  • SBIR is a different but related program in that it uses a similar model, and potentially mutually exclusive.
  • Requesting LC folks to think about their contacts in federal agencies to keep a look out for projects they are seeking solutions for.
  • Andrew will email DHS link to LC, advertising to agencies how to use R&D engine Apex program.
  • Action ITEM: Ken Dagg will bring this CCICADA and federal agency project relevance up at the next BoT meeting.
  • CCICADA and SBIR - any funding opportunities should be put on the agenda - lead on this is Mark Lizar.

Working Group Updates











Funding Requests


IRM - Continue to work on "IRM in the Wild." There is a webpage, last call with through DNS on a relationship Management Use Case. Use Cases mapping to principles, architectural notions around IRM, notions of what is required by an architecture perspective. Update to document is ongoing.

IA - IAWG is participating at NIST - KI Workshops meeting at the Department of Commerce offices next week. Agenda sent out. Structured as a feedback session from GSA - stakeholder engagement. The morning session is a structured presentation. The afternoon is agenda building and detailed topics.

e-Gov - The code of conduct for Relying Parties is ready for IA to look at. Action ITEM: Colin to send the link for the code of conduct to Andrew Hughes/Ken Dagg for IA review.

CIS - Marketing a campaign on January 28 called Digital Catapult Trust Framework, UK - Doing a launch of the consent project. This includes a video "Real Concerns". User submitted terms draft to be turned into a specification as the provisions human readable.

HIS - There is going to be a panel at the breakfast workshop at HiMSS; After HiMSS HIS is going to regroup as an official WG with a new focus on national patient identifier interoperability. This is also the focus of the breakfast workshop.

OTTO - Defining schema using JSON for Federations. Recharter to extend the scope to include SAML and to help in PKI to provide a list of group certificate and how to know which is trusted. They will use the same approach and vote on charter change. Action ITEM: On Agenda for next call.

Goal is to have a draft and implementation in time for CIS 2016 in June- also asked about EIC in Munich in May - probably ready for that too. Note: Andrew can be a resource in targeting event/conference proposals with a high rate of success.

IoT - For the IEEE, archtecture part for 2413. The main work is to provide a first version until the end of January. An MOU for Liaison with the IIC- This has been sent to Robin. Not sure this is the right place to send to get BoT approval. This should be sent to the Board Liaisons. Action ITEM: Ken and Colin - Work with Ingo on getting this MoU and placing on the BoT agenda.

CIS - funding approved.

Two other applications are on the next BoT agenda. Pete asked if this included the $500 for the HiMSS breakfast. Yes it does. The other is IAWG. The UMA proposals have not been seen.

Action ITEM: Sal will follow up with Eve Maler regarding the UMA funding proposals.


Sponsorship of Non-Profits on the Loose

Action ITEM: Jane to send an email to all LC Members about the opportunity. Ken and Colin to let the BoT know about the sponsorship opportunity.

EIC - Title and Abstract prepared by LC and sent to EIC Munich last month for a preconference workshop. Andrea Servide from the eIDAS Legal taskforce has agreed to attend the Kantara Workshop and give closing comments which will increase attendance. Need to think about EU eIDAS/GDPR related content. Sal: Is there a separate call group that is managing this? OTTO & IDESG are the lead WG's, others might be interested. UMA is doing their own thing. Eve is a keynote. Need a start up sub-group to do the fine tuning orchestration on this.

Action ITEM: Colin to form an EIC subgroup.

CIS 2016 (June New Orleans)- Colin reached out to Andy Hindle to see how KI can get involved. His response was shared with the LC by email. Interested in MVCR and UMA legal sub-group. Possibly OTTO. Wants a pre-conference workshop (FIDO also doing one). Open to all/any ideas - need to have title and abstract decide by the end of January.

OTTO will be there and is thinking about submitting an OTTO talk but it is hard to get in.

OIX / World Bank (next week, DC) - Sal is going

RSA - Next month - There are two Kantara - relevant talks: Authentication Federation & OTTO. Maybe do a pre-campaign. Member highlight. Non Profits on the Loose event will be at RSA. Also a BoT meeting is likely.

Action ITEM: Mike Schwartz to write a blog posting on RSA pre-campaign and member highlight.

Marketing - Jane is doing a lot of Joni's work. Perhaps there needs to be a more formal Public Relations role inside KI. Perhaps Marketing should be a Board sub-committee. There was a discussion at the Board about marketing last year. There is a more apparent need now. Communications - part time person - hiring a firm was part of a prior discussion.

 BoT Liaison Report The organization is going for Incorporation. The Board has approved this and the minutes confirming the vote are with the Lawyer. It is in process.

ISTO Annual Member Meeting review - San Jose

IEEE - IoT in DC area - will take a look, maybe of interest.

Action ITEM: Jane to put dates and live links in with Events.

Action Items

    • Action ITEM: Jane to email the two voters from CA and note that only one vote can count. CA will be asked to designate a primary voter.
    • Action ITEM: Jane will post the all-member vote results on the Wiki.
    • Action Item: Jane will draft a PR for the blog. Jane will ask Kolin Whitley and Eve Maler for a quote.
    • Action ITEM: Jane will draft a blog announcement with Colin to send to Ruth after approval, for publishing.
    • Action ITEM: Colin will follow up with Scott to confirm he is reporting NIST/ISO C27 WG5 to include IAWG statements about mapping. Scott Shorter puts together the report for ISO.
    • Action ITEM: Andrew contact Paul Grassi, in charge of standards for NIST, regarding how to officially inform NIST.
    • Action ITEM: Ken Dagg will bring this CCICADA and federal agency project relevance up at the next BoT meeting.
    • Action ITEM: Colin to send the link for the code of conduct to Andrew Hughes/Ken Dagg for IA review.
    • Action ITEM: Ken and Colin - Work with Ingo on getting this MoU placed on the BoT agenda.
    • Action ITEM: Sal will follow up with Eve Maler regarding the UMA funding proposals.
    • Action ITEM: Jane to send an email to all LC Members about the NonProfits on the Loose sponsorship opportunity. Ken and Colin to let the BoT know about the sponsorship opportunity.
    • Action ITEM: Colin to form an EIC Muncih 2016 subgroup.
    • Action ITEM: Mike Schwartz to write a blog posting on RSA pre-campaign and member highlight.
    • Action ITEM: Jane to put dates and live links in with Events details..

    • Colin to work with Sal to draft a policy regarding more than one person chairing a WG. This has been started. 

    • Action Item - Pete Palmer to craft a few paragraphs on the HIMSS opportunity to be sent to the LC Working Group Leaders.

    • Action Item: Colin Wallis to have a discussion about OASIS (and other non assert covenant) IPR with Jamie Clark.


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