Draft LC 23 March 2016 Agenda

Draft LC 23 March 2016 Agenda

Date and Time

·  Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2016

·  Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 21:00 UTC (time chart)

·  Dial-in:  Skype:+99051000000481

o    US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350 | Room Code: 402-2737

o    For more dial-in information, see: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info


Leadership Committee Meeting March 23, 2016

  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve Minutes
    1.  Meeting Minutes 9 March 2016
  3. Administration
    1. Quarterly Reports
    2. Tools - Working Drafts - please see the tools spreadsheet here.
    3. Voting
      1. LC Leadership Elections
  4. Operationalizing the Kantara Theme and Collaboration
  5. Update on Group IP Analysis Project
    1. Trust Services and Connected Life by IPR on spreadsheet (please find this document here: Working Drafts)
  6. R&D Opportunities
    1. CCICADA - Updates
  7. WG Updates 
    1. 2016 funded projects and updates - Eve Maler - UMA Dev - details
  8. Events
    1.  Non-Profits on the Loose at RSA 2016, Feb 29 through March 4 at RSA - Event review
    2. HIMSS – February 29 - March 4 - Las Vegas, NV - Event review
    3. EIC 2016 Munich (Kantara workshop) - proposal submitted – May 10 - 13, 2016
    4. CIS 2016 New Orleans - request for proposals – June 6- 9, 2016
  9. BoT Liaison Report
  10. Other Action Items Review: see below
  11. AOB
    1. Suggestion to create a DG to work on events. All LC members have access, and any other members who sign up. GPA needed? (Colin)


Action Items

  • Colin to work with Sal to draft a policy regarding one person chairing more than one WG. This has been started - Colin and Sal to reconnect with Andrew Hughes.
  • Action Item: Jane will post the all-member vote results on the Wiki.
  • Action Item: Jane will draft a PR for the blog. Jane will ask Kolin Whitley and Eve Maler for a quote - very rough draft sent to Eve.  UMA to take up draft.- blog post completed.
  • Action Item: Jane will draft a blog announcement with Ken Dagg to send to Ruth after approval, for publishing.
  • Action Item: Ken Dagg will bring this CCICADA and federal agency project relevance up at the next BoT meeting - Closed
  • Action Item: M: Mike Schwartz to write a blog posting on RSA pre-campaign and member highlight - Closed