2016-03-09 Meeting Notes

2016-03-09 Meeting Notes


Mar 9, 2016



  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve Minutes
    1.  Meeting Minutes February 24, 2016
  3. Administration
    1. Quarterly Reports
    2. Tools - Working Drafts - please see the tools spreadsheet here.
    3. Voting
      1. LC Leadership Elections
  4. Operationalizing the Kantara Theme and Collaboration
  5. Update on group IP
    1. Trust services and connective life by IPR on spreadsheet (please find this document here: Working Drafts)
  6. R&D Opportunities
    1. CCICADA - Updates
  7. WG Updates 
    1. 2016 funded projects and updates - Eve Maler - UMA Dev - details
  8. Events
    1.  Non-Profits on the Loose at RSA 2016, Feb 29 through March 4 at RSA - Event review
    2. HIMSS – February 29 - March 4 - Las Vegas, NV - Event review
    3. EIC 2016 Munich (Kantara workshop) - proposal submitted – May 10 - 13, 2016
    4. CIS 2016 New Orleans - request for proposals – June 6- 9, 2016
  9. BoT Liaison Report
  10. Other Action Items Review: see below
  11. AOB
    1. Suggestion to create a DG to work on events. All LC members have access, and any other members who sign up. GPA needed? (Colin)

Discussion Items

4:09pm ETRoll CallMark Lizar

Quorum not achieved

 Approve MinutesMark LizarFeb 24, 2016 delayed as quorum was not achieved for today's meeting.


  • Quarterly Reports
  • Tools - Working Drafts - please see the tools spreadsheet here.
  • Voting - LC Leadership Elections

Quarterly Reports

There is a need to find out what the outstanding reports are for 2015. The group noted that the quarterly reports webpage needs to be updated.

The next quarterly reports are due at the beginning of April.

Action Item: Mark Lizar to reach out to Sal D'Agostino to update the quarterly reports web page.

Tools - Working Drafts

This item is n the agenda as the LC is collecting tools that people are using. Noted that there is a new events discussion group that has been a good addition.

Voting - Leadership Elections

There is currently a call for nominations for the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary roles for the Leadership Council. Nominations received to date are the following:

    • Andrew Hughes nominated for Chair (by self)

    • Mark Lizar nominated for Vice-Chair (by self)

    • Sal D'Agostino nominated for Secretary (by Mark Lizar)

The call for nominations ends tomorrow followed by the electronic vote (assuming there is more than one candidate for the positions).

Action Items:

    • Mark Lizar to follow-up with Pete on the nominations received.

    • Mark Lizar to follow-up with Pete on whether or not he will run for the Secretary position.

    • Mark Lizar to nudge Colin Wallis and Sal D'Agostino about moving the nomination/voting process forward.

Operationalizing the Kantara Theme and Collaboration

Colin Wallis

Colin is leading the effort.on how the LC will work with the Board of Trustees. Colin noted that it is to early to share. He is looking at PR resources to support this effort as well as other PR efforts either through Virtual or an external resource.

This will be an ongoing topic for the LC meetings.


Update on group IP

  • Trust services and connective life by IPR on spreadsheet (please find this document here: Working Drafts)

Colin noted that Jamie Clark may be approached to assist in writing the IPR. He has not been approached as yet, the transition tasks are taking the majority of resources at this time.

Action Item: Colin to check the Board minutes to ensure that Jamie was approved to assist in this writing.

Eve discussed with the LC how specific IPR modes can clash with each other. She noted an instance where a participant needed to exit/not join the UMA DEV WG because the specific clause that has to do with opting out that appears in the RAND IP option does not appear in the APACHE option.

Eve discussed the UMA WG posting on the GitHub repository. She noted that GitHub is used to collect issues and is where the WG works on their spec. A GitHub account is required for all users. She noted that when submitting an issue a warning appears that this group has an IP policy. She noted that the policy is very lightweight and it does not force you to become a WG member. As anyone may submit an issue the WG needs to be careful that they could take in work thereby taking in issues that have IP included. She noted that all issues submitted need to be dealt with in a cautionary manner. Eve suggests putting up a stronger notice such as if you put something here you are bound by the terms. . .('Note Well')

Eve has written up an analysis for Colin and the Board to consider. Likely legal counsel will need to get involved in the process.


R&D Opportunities

  • CCICADA Updates
Eve MalerLooking for a consistent workstream within Kantara with five to ten projects in a one year time span.

WG Updates

  • 2016 funded projects and updates


Eve reported on the UMA Dev noting that at the Board meeting during RSA it might be wise to seek CCICADA funding to broaden the conception of the conformance test suite development that previously was seeking $60k in funding. If this were to happen the the first step would be develop a white paper to show how valuable a conformance program would be. This idea hasn't been discussed with the WG yet.


Ken reported that the IAWG meets tomorrow with the agenda topic being:

  • working on the excel version of the assessment criteria
  • statement of requirements for modifying the service assessment criteria to be more objective oriented
  • beginning work on defining a set of audit requirements for privacy

Ken reminded everyone that the WG will have a guest speaker in April to talk about identity assurance.


Eve reported that the UMA spent the first month of the year working on the 2016 road map which can be seen on their web page. The first four use case buckets the WG is working on are:

  • Security
  • Shoebox (all the ways in which they liaise with CIS)
  • Wide Echo System 
  • IoT


Mark reported that the WG is working hard to develop the MVCR. Version 8 will be put forward for a Kantara review followed by a public review after any comments are addressed. Goal is V1.0 by September 1st. Eve has a document she can share regarding the review process that she will share with Mark.

Mark noted that the workshop went well, more will be held, they are looking for more sponsorship's.


BoT Liaison Report

Ken Dagg

Ken reported that the recent Board meeting at RSA was well attended. There were lots of interesting topics discussed, did not finish with the full agenda.

Highlights from the meeting include:

  • Kantara incorporation has been completed
  • 2016 budet in place by end of april
  • 1024 non-profit filing is underway
  • New name being sought for the Trustmark legal agreement
  • CCICADA proposal being looked at by the UMA Dev group for a test harness for UMA
  • Transition taking time, Executive Director has been very busy
5:00pm ETAdjourn With few folks on the call the meeting was adjourned.

Action Items

Mark Lizar:  reach out to Sal D'Agostino to update the quarterly reports web page.

Mark Lizar:  follow-up with Pete on the nominations received.

Mark Lizar:  follow-up with Pete on whether or not he will run for the Secretary position.

Mark Lizar:  nudge Colin Wallis and Sal D'Agostino about moving the nomination/voting process forward.

Colin Wallis:  check the Board minutes to ensure that Jamie has been approved to assist in this writing.