2016-06-29 Meeting

2016-06-29 Meeting


June 29, 2016



Representation NameAttended
Connected Life Innovation Groups
IRMWG1Salvatore D'Agostino (LC Secretary)No
UMAWG1Eve MalerYes

Mary Hodder


CISWG2Mark Lizar (LC Vice-Chair)No
IoTDG1Ingo FrieseNo
BSCDG1Former user (Deleted)No
BSCDG2Former user (Deleted)No
Trust Services Interoperability Groups
IAWG1Ken DaggYes
IAWG2Andrew Hughes (LC Chair)Yes
HIAWG1Pete PalmerNo

Rainer Hoerbe

eGovWG2Keith UberNo

John Bradley

Walter Forbes Hoehn

Nate Klingenstein




OTTOWG1Michael SchwartzNo
Kantara-Colin WallisNo
Virtual-Shannon TaylorYes



    1. Roll Call
    2. Approve Minutes
      1. 2016-04-20 Meeting Minutes
      2. 2016-05-04 Meeting Notes
    3. Administration
      1. "Digital ID Pro" initiative
        1. Situation Report
        2. Project Plan for 90 day milestone
        3. Strategic direction and Kantara branding
        4. Call for volunteers, confirm project leadership team
      2. Executive Director / Staff Update
        1. Organization status updates
        2. Information to distribute to all WG/DG
        3. Interesting developments re: liaisons, project, interactions
      3. Voting
        1. None anticipated
    4. Operationalizing the Kantara Theme and Collaboration
      1. Discussion on 'innovation' ideas for DGs?
        1. Blockchain and Smart Contracts - update
        2. Digital ID Pro - update
      2. Shift to Summer Mode for LC Calls - June 29 meeting, then July 27, August 24 2016 - frequency to be reviewed in Fall
      3. FI WG receiving the InCommon SAML2 spec update
      4. Discussion on audit of Kantara policies - including changes to GPA and privacy policy
    5. Update on Group IP Analysis Project
      1. Status update on Contri-style agreement?
        Background: Trust Services and Connected Life by IPR on spreadsheet (please find this document here: Working Drafts)
    6. WG Project Status Updates
      1. UMA Dev Project
      2. CIS Project
      3. IAWG Project:  
    7. WG Updates 
      1. WG/DG Charter Review: Please ensure that your Charter has been reviewed and voted by May 31 2016 - this is an annual requirement. 
        1. Review deliverables list for relevance. Shannon Taylor to work with Salvatore D'Agostino to keep track of what's outstanding.
      2. Please mention WG/DG estimate schedule for Report or Recommendation publication.
      3. Potential disbanding of dormant WG/DG: Cloud Identity and Security Best Practices
    8. Events
      1. LC Members support for Events
        1. REPORT OUT:  EIC 2016 Munich (Kantara workshop) - confirmed – May 10 - 13, 2016
        2. REPORT OUT: IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium May 11, 12 2016 - Andrew
        3. REPORT OUT:  Digital Contracts, Identities and Blockchains - confirmed - May 23-24, 2016
        4. REPORT OUT: CIS 2016 New Orleans - confirmed – June 6- 9, 2016
        5. REPORT OUT: ID North 2016 Toronto - June 15-16 2016
    9. BoD Liaison Report & Action Requests
    10. Other Action Items Review: see below
    11. AOB
    12. Meeting adjournment

Discussion Items

4:10pmRoll CallAndrewQuorum not achieved.
 ID Pro Initiative 

An email was issued today to all pledgees (who approved email from Kantara) with updates on stats etc. Additional communication is planned for July.

The Sub-Committee will meet next week to continue working on the backbones of the program.

The charter document is in draft form and being reviewed amongst the sub-committee.

 Organization Updates 
  • Kantara and DIACC have entered into a liaison agreement with one another to share docs etc.
  • KIPI: There are further proposals in the works.
    • Eve briefed everyone further on her status stack update related to KIPI. We came to the conclusion that the KIPI approach to conformance efforts is a bit too early for UMA in particular, and not the best use of our time right now. UMA Dev was going to use KIPI for funding they needed - conclusion that the market isn't ready yet for this level of conformance program.
  • TurboBridge: staff is looking at options to replace TurboBridge as we are hearing of many different issues.
 WG/DG Updates 

Blockchain Smart Contracts DG: The first call is scheduled for July 5. Shannon will issue the ongoing call details to the BlockChain DG and the LC.

FIWG: officially received the InCommon spec update.

IAWG: Andrew is reviewing the RFP document.

 Board Updates The Board is looking into the feasibility of holding its own conference.

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