2014-10-7 Meeting Notes
Oct 7, 2014
- Build out the Laws of Relationships through narrative
- Take related pillars and see how they can be applied to the new vanguard of identity management - discussion around how detailed to do this as don’t want to start to build detailed solutions.
- Take IRM pillars and map back to the laws of relationships
- Above will be used as part of an ongoing narrative which will produce ‘tools’ in the form of advisories and directives
- Ian suggested these directive be tested out with real world examples such as connect.gov and so on
- Look at ways of getting the word out and drawing in the wider industry into the discussion
Discussion Items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
10 min | Introductions | All |
1 min | Minutes | Sal |
20 minutes | Re-organisation of Kantara Groups | Joni, Ken and Sal | Discussion surrounding the re-organisation of Kantara structure and working groups. Joni spoke to the group on the topic stating that work was underway for the re-structure exercise, specifically looking at the operating procedures of the groups, such as how are they structured and are there natural alliances between groups? SO far two ways have been identified of looking at this: I.Merger of groups II.Affiliations of pockets of groups and the mechanics of the communication within those affiliates. Approach 2 has been the most popular and as such this has been broken down into two types of affiliations: I. Connected life – developing areas such as the IDoT and UMA groups II. Trust Services – groups looking at areas such as policy, verifiable programs, trust frameworks and so on Work is in progress to find synergy between groups. Ken suggested that a ‘sub-committee’ or ‘expanded leadership’ should be created for the affiliated groups. Joni relied that they are looking at the mechanics of achieving this, perhaps using forums. |
35 minutes | Action Items and General Discussion | All | Sal opened up with the leadership call notes as shown below:
Sal opened the discussion with the theme of taking the pillars of identity and mapping them back to the Laws of Relationships work done by Ian Glazer. From this we should create a set of tools to share, such as advisories which can then be taken and tested against real world large scale consumer focussed programs such as those in the USA and UK. In addition, he spoke about making sure the IRM WG output and discussion were marketed though social media and the like. Bill summed up the above into a tripartite approach: I. Taking the pillars and establishing laws that match those pillars II. Create a set of defined Relationship Laws that can direct design III. Create tools to disseminate the laws and advise on design principles Sal said our first goal was to work collaboratively on this and in the first instance work on the Axioms and Laws of IRM document to get it into a state of release. Ken asked what the ultimate outcome for the IRM document and tools were - are they hoping to reset the context of the IDM space and allow this context to evolve with the market needs? Joni replied that that should act as a substrate for conversation and ultimately become guidance for design principles. A secondary aspect being that they could also guide associated groups such as UMA. Susan asked about timescales to get things off the ground and Ken reiterated this saying that this could influence the ID assurance group and its restructuring. Susan then asked Joni to discuss the collaborative space available to allow the group 9and wider circle of interested parties) to work on the document and Ian agreed. It was decided by the group to use a mix of spaces to work from, i.e. initial collaborative drafting done in Google Docs with a version issued to the IRM wiki for further comment before being placed back into Google groups for further iteration. This would be done in a series of sprints - see also Ian Glazers email to the group dated 7th October 15:25 with the following details of timings:
Sprint Starts Ends 1 now-ish Oct 20 2 Oct 21 Nov 3 3 Nov 4 Nov 17 Last call draft Nov 24 Release Dec 1 |
Action Items
Former user (Deleted) to setup Google Docs workspace for iterative collaboration on IRM document
Former user (Deleted) Find alternative way for comments by those without a Google account
Former user (Deleted) Lay out a briefing plan for document editing
Salvatore D'Agostino to create a poll to work out a hangout meeting next week with the group to discuss outstanding items form todays meeting