IRM WG telecon\meeting notes\2014-08-26

IRM WG telecon\meeting notes\2014-08-26


Time: 06:00 PT | 9:00 ET | 13:00 UTC

Dial-in: Skype:+99051000000481

  • US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350 | Room Code: 613-2898
  • For more dial-in information, see: Telco Bridge Info


  • Ian Glazer, Salesforce.com, Voting
  • Bill Nelson, Identity Fusion, Inc, Voting
  • Steve Olshansky, Internet Society, Voting
  • Colin Wallis, NZ Government, Internal Affairs Department, Voting
  • Adrian Grooper, non-voting
  • Edward Killeen, Radiant Logic, non-voting
  • Don Mills, Jr., non-voting
  • Marissa Jadrosich, Staff

Link to the IRM WG roster.

As of 2014 August 26 quorum is 4 of 9


  • Elections

Discussion Items

Welcome and Roll CallMarissa Jadrosich
  • Meeting Roster for meeting
15 minElectionsMarissa
  • Discussion for next meeting - would like to send out an email to the community to get more participation and more voting members.


  • Discussion on Elections.  We working group needs to elect a Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary.
  • Brief summary of our last meeting on 12 August 2014.  
  • Discussion on actions needed to move the group forward:
    • Official Leadership
    • Email to the community to get more participation in the working group.
    • Avenues for working promotion.
    • Suggestions:  Have a healthy discussion on the laws and how we would amend.  For each law, have a set of questions to bring to analysis and what are the implications.
    • Framework of what needs to be done was discussed:
      • Phase 1:  have coverage/develop a trial set of questions/order of needs and application
      • Phase 2:  application - to the domain and how it works
      • Aggressive timeline:  To have a position paper or draft methodology in time for the IRM Summit Dublin, Ireland, 3-6th November 2014, Kantara Workshop.

Action Items

  • Former user (Deleted) draft of "request for participation/notification" promotional email to be distributed to the community about the IRM working group. Draft due on Thursday to be reviewed by IRM-WG participants.
  • Former user (Deleted) put meeting notes on to the wiki
  • Former user (Deleted) upload to the Wiki Laws of Relationships.