2014-11-18 Meeting Notes

2014-11-18 Meeting Notes


Nov 18, 2014



Former user (Deleted)


  • Discussion of Dublin IRM meeting and work plan

Discussion Items

2 minMinutesSal
  • Quorum reached: Minutes passed.

2 minKantara IPRSal

Not discussed, please see:  https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/download/attachments/2293776/Kantara%20Initiative%20IPR%20Policies?version=1&modificationDate=1263261533000&api=v2

15 minIRM meeting DublinAll

Bill took  excellent notes and group asked they be put up onto the Wiki. The Dublin session of the working group’s main outcome was to establish that we need to educate and clarify what exactly IRM stands for and why it is different to IDM. The first challenge is to get everyone on the same page about what IRM is and the relationship model underlying it.

Joni reiterated this and stated that we need to build more concrete ideas of IRM based on the pillars, e.g. delivery of operational concepts and design principles. Sal agreed we need something usable wrt IRM.

Don, Ken and Susan agreed that we need to educate the current IDM specialists about the new IRM paradigm.

1 minSprintSal

Unable to discuss as Ian unavailable - deferred until next meeting

30 minutesWorkplanAll

Sal asked that we discuss the work plan for the coming months.

It was posited that we come into the discussion from both a top down and a bottom up approach to cover all bases and that we should use the pillars as a starting point to then build detail.

Bill suggested he take responsibility for initiating the “what Is IRM” document. Ken and Susan will act as reviewers.

Ken suggested we need to identify our audience and crate white papers based on the document for each audience type. Suggested audiences were:

  1. Users (clients)

  2. Customers (services)

  3. Developers (of IRM systems)

  4. Delivery (SI’s etc. of IRM systems)

Bill will look into online mind mapping tools to begin the process of creating the work plan for this piece.

Joni will add a wiki entry to start the ball rolling around ideas for the audience and who should be targeted.

Bill would like a graphic showing the ideology of IRM. Joni suggested asking the leadership council for funding to get this done, but Bill says he’ll make a fist stab at doing this.

10 Min  

Joni opened up the AOB section by letting the group know that the Knatara WG of Consent and Information Sharing had requested  that our two groups explore synergy. They are working on tools that the believe are a good fit with IRM and wanted the IRM WG to consider doing joint activities.

Ken said he believed this was a little premature as the IRM WG is looking at a wider scope currently and needs to focus on setting out an understanding of the principles of IRM rather than focus, initially anyway, on more detailed areas such as consent. However, later on this may well be very pertinent.

Action Items