AMDG Meeting Notes 2012-06-19
AMDG Meeting Notes 2012-06-19
Date and Time
- Date: Tuesday, 19 / 06 / 2012
- Time: 11h PT / 14h ET / 19h UTC
- Sal D'Agostino
- Keith Hazelton
- Heather Flanagan (scribe)
- Ken Dagg
Quorum: 6 of 8
- Colin Souter
- Administrative
- Roll Call
- New member introduction - no new members
- Agenda confirmation
- Approval of Minutes: AMDG Meeting Notes 2012-06-05
- Action item review
- Discussion
- Deciding our own next steps
- refining gaps and recommendations,
- determining what should be handled by existing groups vs. what will require a new group
- F2F in DC - Aug 8-10
- Latest Attribute Management news
- Deciding our own next steps
Minutes of last meeting not approved; call not at quorum
Open Action Items
Action Item Review : (*Action Items numbered as *YYYYMMDD-01 Assignee : description....)
Action Item | Assigned To | Description | Status | Comments |
20120508-06 | Heather | collect input from LC and incorporate any suggestions in to report |
| Will discuss on 20-June LC call |
20120605-01 | Sal | Sal to post slides to the list from outreach to OIX-AX and Trust Elevation WG | Complete | |
20120605-02 | Heather | Bring to the people coordinating the P3WG, HIAWG, IAWG, and ADMG the feedback from 2012-06-05 call | Will discuss on 20-June LC call |
New Action Item
Action Item Review : (*Action Items numbered as *YYYYMMDD-01 Assignee : description....)
Action Item | Assigned To | Description |
20120619-01 | Sal, Keith | Draft a new WG charter for Attribute Management |
20120619-02 | Sal | Post links to the UK tenders in the repository |
General discussion
Deciding our own next steps
- refining gaps and recommendations,
- determining what should be handled by existing groups vs. what will require a new group
Heather's suggestions:
- A new attribute working group with the mandate of defining context and clarifying use; this will also probably get in to definitions
- This will include continuing to develop the repository
- If we want to go this route, need to follow the By-Laws for the creation of a new group (see section 5.3 of the KI Bylaws) - Keith Hazelton, Sal D'Agostino will work on a charter
- (Ken) suggest that a charter remain Draft until the F2F in August, since hopefully the scope of various working groups may get defined there
- For the Definitions and general coordination, recommend we continue to use the cross-WG meta-group of the P3WG, IAWG, HIAWG, and the Attribute group (no new group)
- For "Trust Frameworks" gap, recommend we pass this over to the Trust Framework Meta Model WG
- For Governance, formally pass this over to the ISOC group working in this space
- (Sal) there needs to be coordination among the various groups working the attribute issue
- if we recommend this route, there needs to be more in the repository linking the ISOC work
- For Mechanisms, perhaps the NSTIC group? Thinking of the Scalable Privacy proposal which will be tackling these issues
- (Colin) concern with going with NSTIC is the non-global nature of the work
- (Keith) need to think about what we actually mean when we say "NSTIC" - this might be better to go to federation operators or something
- (Sal) OIX might be a better place; in either case, we won't be tackling mechanism
F2F in DC - Aug 8-10
Potential attendees:
- Keith Hazelton
- Ken Dagg (maybe)
- Colin Souter (but primarily representing P3WG)
Will there be any practical overlap with the PHI discussion? Probably not
Need to make sure that discussion of a draft charter for an Attribute Management Working Group is on the agenda for this meeting
Latest Attribute Management news
- Sal - the UK seems to be going ahead with a number of tenders; perhaps we should update the repository with the link to those? Yes - Sal will update
- will target the next meeting (July 3) to start drafting the new WG charter
Next Meeting
- Date: Tuesday, July 3, 2012
- Time: 11h PT / 14h ET / 19h UTC
- Dial in: * Skype: +99051000000481 * US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350 | Room Code: 613-2898