AMDG Meeting Notes 2012-04-10
Date and Time
- Date: Tuesday, 10 / 04 / 2012
- Time: 11h PT / 14h ET / 19h UTC
- Sal D'Agostino
- Keith Hazelton
- Heather Flanagan (secretary)
- Ken Dagg
(not at quorum)
- Joanne Knight
1. Administrative
a. Roll Call
b. New member introduction - no new members
c. Agenda confirmation
d. Action item review
2. Discussion
a. Report Draft
b. eduPerson last call
To see the latest draft of eduPerson (201203 Draft 02), download the following and open in a browser or your html editor of choice:
Last call comments are open now through April 20. Please send such to
The significant changes from the last formally published version, eduPerson (200806), are found in the sections on eduPersonAffiliation, eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation, eduPersonPrincipalName and eduPersonTargetedID. The suggestions that came in during the first round of last call were predominantly concerned with formatting and error correction. A "References" section is new with this draft.
The most substantial change from the March 12 draft is found in section 2.2.8, on eduPersonPrincipalName. Some of the old language was outdated and in some cases misleading. In other cases, we have decided to remove advice or guidelines that seem more naturally the purview of identity federations. See the Change Log section of the document for details.
Open Action Items
Action Item Review : (*Action Items numbered as *YYYYMMDD-01 Assignee : description....)
Action Item | Assigned To | Description | Status | Comments |
20111220-07 | Heather | have initial discussion group report ready by February 14 call | In progress | |
20120131-01 | Sal | Schedule Don Thibeau (OIX-AX) for a DG-AM call in Feb |
| Overtaken by events; no longer valid |
20120228-02 | Keith | Add information regarding registry of new attributes, LDAP and X509 | Complete | |
20120228-04 | Sal | reach out to the IAWG to request for contribution to the AMDG group | Complete |
20120327-01 | Heather | Add new text to report regarding "Subject Identity Provider" |
20120327-01 | Heather | Verify report template and current structure match | Complete |
New Action Item
Action Item Review : (*Action Items numbered as *YYYYMMDD-01 Assignee : description....)
20120410-01 | Keith | Provide some modified text to the Context recommendation |
Discussion – update on Sal's IAWG interactions
Interesting discussion arose regarding "What are "identity attributes"?" there is not agreement on the IAWG as to what that phrase means, whether or not authentication is equally valid a concern for them as authorization, and they recognize the need to update their definitions
They are taking the action item to update their definitions, and agreed with the AMDG report so far; they probably won't be making changes on the same timeline as our draft, but they accept this as an action for themselves going forward, and they are due an update in late fall, early winter this year
Discussion – Report Draft
- where should information like "Subject Identity Provider" go? This has proven relevant to more than just our work, and we should likely refer to it in the report, but hold details for the Repository; it would fit as a sentence or two in Gap #3, discussing core attributes for identity, how do we categorize these things so that they are useful in a specific context?
- need to lead the conversation with context, since that will impact everything from defining what are identity attributes; propose we ditch recommendation # 2 at least with regards to creating a group to solve it, and further work on and emphasize recommendation #4; "Context as an organizing principle"; would roll in normalization of attributes in to the question of contexts; also make this recommendation #1 (top of the list; in fact, should do some more basic prioritization)
- in general, language in the report is detailed enough, but not too detailed that it helps folks understand what needs to be done without telling them how to get there/what the answers are
- finish revisions this week; send it out for last call next week; turn it in to LC on April 23
Discussion – eduPerson last call
- this is more of an FYI to the group; this is a slowly evolving schema that might serve as an interesting model for the broader internet community
Next Meeting
- Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 (will hold on calendar; don't expect a long meeting)
- Time: 11h PT / 14h ET / 19h UTC
- Dial in: * Skype: +99051000000481 * US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350 | Room Code: 613-2898