P3WG Meeting Notes 2011-03-03

This was a non-quorate call. What follows are unofficial notes.



  • Peter Capec
  • Mark Lizar
  • Gershon Jansen


  • John Bradley
  • Colin Wallis
  • Colin Soutar


  • Jeff Stollman
  • Anna Slomovic
  • Susan Landau


  • Joni Brennan
  • Anna Ticktin

Meeting Notes:

1. Administrative:

  • Roll Call — Quorum was not met. What follows are unofficial notes.
  • Berlin F2F update:
    1. The agenda has been posted to the Kantara wiki and the Early Bird Registration is live. The P3 session is slated for 13h-15h CET which facilitates North American dial-in participation.
    2. P3 and PFSG should outline an agenda for their working session, identifying milestones and deliverables for May.
    3. Additionally, there will be multiple opportunities to interface with several other TFW-tangent Kantara WGs — but specifically, two sync sessions have been planned for the opening and closing days.
    4. Mark is working on a "Privacy by Design" approach presentation---designing privacy into the TFW and what that means. Initial feedback is that there's great potential marketing in that title and that it sounds like it could support concurrent Kantara and Community work flows.

2. Privacy News / Liaison / Updates:

EIC and ITAC Update:

  • A first draft Privacy Deck is needed. This is a call for champions.
  • The work group is keen to create a working session next week to actively work on this deck.
  • Target: 10-15 overview slides for EIC and a stripped down 5-slide version for ITAC
  • ACTION ITEM 20110303-01 Mark and Anna: Draft next P3 agenda and level-set expectations of next week's working session.

TFW Discussion:

  • The IAF does not have a privacy piece currently, but once added it would become a complete TFW.
  • There will be multiple TFWs created within multiple communities serving multiple issues--- not just one, super TFW.
  • IT could include the IAF, RPs, ISPs, Attribute Assurance, with Privacy frameworks, multiple profiles, and several other actors, etc...
  • Rainer's TFW MM is analyzing the concept of a super framework, so that we might be able to pull apart the pieces, identify the plethora of actors and analyze the gaps.
  • Joni outlines a great use case in banking across borders in North America that Kantara's work in TFW could be applied.
  • What can TFWs do today vs what are IdPs capable of today? Where would we like to see notice and consent go? We've hit a bit of a wall here.
  • Colin will be posting the report of the ad hoc working group on ISO 29101 — A Privacy Architecture Framework. It details a rewrite on the requirements for and an approach to privacy architecture (a new clause 8). P3 is encouraged to review and respond.

3. AOB

  • None.
