P3WG Meeting Minutes 2011-06-02

P3WG Meeting Minutes 2011-06-02


Tom Smeddinghof
Anna Slomovic
Colin Wallis
John Bradley

Gershon Janssen
Mark Lizar

Anna Ticktin


1. Roll Call - quorum not met

2. PF- Status :

  • With volunteer participation at a standstill, the Privacy Framework Subgroup will temporarily suspend it's efforts. The group will spin up it's bi-weekly telecons once member bandwidths permit and deliverables / next steps are clearly identified.
  • Anna met with the ARB to discuss having a privacy SME participate in the FICAM discussions currently underway with OIX and InCommon. Currently there is a bit of an impasse amongst TFPs and FICAM as to how to address privacy guidance. Currently, all TFPs are assessed at a provisional status. In order to get that status removed, the TFPs must agree to their assessor guidance.
  • Dialers-in discussed ISO 29100 as a potential basis for Kantara PF
  • Anna suggests: mapping 29100 to the non-normative FICAM guidelines in order to find a home

3. Liaison Activities

  • No Report

4. P3 Elections

  • Did not discuss

5. Moving to Bi-Weekly P3 Schedule

  • Did not discuss

6. AOB
