P3WG Meeting Minutes 2011-12-01

P3WG Meeting Minutes 2011-12-01


1. Roll Call

Anna Slomovic
Mark Lizar
Colin Wallis
Peter Capek
Bob Pinheiro
Dan Combs
Bill Braithwaite
Gilad Rosner
Colin Soutar

Meeting was Quorate

Approved meeting minutes - Sep 22,


Anna Ticktin
Joni Brennan

3.Dan Combs Presentation - Patient Identity Service Project

- Provided this website link.  http://design.patientidservice.us/,  With a presentation found at https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B3J2sCqxy-8bZTc3ZTNmNzktZjY3Ni00YWYzLWFhYjAtODczZTU4NDc0MGNm&hl=en_US&pli=1  

- PISP project for authentication of patience.  Conduct import transactions in the health care space.
- Project works a a generic level so work is generic to many sectors.
- Finishing Phase 1 and now moving towards implementation - Phase 2

-- > Will Phase 2 be a apart of the step-up authentication.or  trust elevation?  Dan said yes this an important piece of where PIDS is going.

--> Issue of Back linking, how do we sort out  the origin and records for same person under different identifiers.  It is a current issue Health Care WIde.


Difficulty in the difference between authentication and proofing and educating the proofing process for authentication needs to be accomplished for higher access. 

2. Announcements

  • PAC - has been passed to Naomi Lefkovitz - for feedback and review
  • Kantara Accreditation - Deloitte and Touch and the there is a new service provider that will be accredited (announced next week)  - Approved at L1,2,&3
  • A number of interested services providers at a high level of assurance. 
  • Review of Kantara Fee's and Accreditation Fee's Currently under way.

4. Review/Edit the PAC Update
- Post a draft of an update to the SG WG and action its completion.