P3WG Meeting Notes 2011-01-27
1. Roll call
Lindy Siegert
Rich Furr
Colin Soutar
Mark Lizar ---voting
Bill Braithwaite
Susan Landau---voting
Tom Smedinghoff
Colin Wallis
Anna Slomovic---voting
Dale Olds
Peter Capek---voting
Gershon Janssen---voting
Myisha Frazier McElveen-voting
Jeff Stollman
Trent Adams
Jay Unger
Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin
2. Agenda review/prioritization
3. Administrative actions
4. Privacy News Updates
b. NASPO (Anna S)
- NASPO - the consensus body met in Atlanta last week -
- -Went through methodology for creating the standards with repeatable results. focusing on Imposter Fraud, in identity standards. (Nist L04 - doesnt do idetity Fraud very well)
- Break out a Privacy WG - looking at the way FIPS is integrated into the standard its self. To issues notice . (9:39) By the end of April - The applicability of FIPs - Way to apply FIPS - Notice would be applicable to the standard itself, as the standard needs to provide what needs to be provided. Without a roadmap for fraud.
- NASPO to cover verification of public and private credentials.
c. OASIS Privacy Management Reference Model Technical Committee update (Susan)
Discussing how to Mary policy to acutal operational control - problems with the high level approach have been discussed.
- Have come up with a lifecycle approach
- with a very current thoughtful data model.
- OASIS is doing some work with Use Cases.
- one is smart grid
- another with health care
- Timelines are still being discussed
- Life Cycle of Identity -
a. CDT/K&L Gates meetings (Tom)
Tom Provide a great update
- CDT Meeting - reference to the NSTIC draft comments - critical mis understanding that the commerce dept was going to deliver DID, The meeting was about, what are the positive aspects of the Identity Eco-system? Looking at it from different perspectives.
- THe afternoon session was focused on legal issues. Tom, Scott, John Clippenger, found that there is challenges for a legal framework.
- Scott talked about different performance levels - levels of control, levels of protection.
- John did a presentation of a pilot project - taking these three metrics and turn them into a dashboard - on a mobile phone.
- Wide range of legal issues
- Bad press coverage.
- ABA - Committee is going to release a report about legal issues - Discussed a lot about liability. Talking about the nature of the legal issues, existing laws across jurisdiction.
- Problem of contract to modify these laws through a Trust Framework, which comes down to a liability concerns, end of the day it comes down to policy,
- Next two weeks delivering a staff report.
d. ISO (Colin)
- ad hoc working groups developing the 29101 standard - privacy reference architecture.
- a lot of work in the last couple of months have progressed this greatly
- Needs to be submitted by national bodies which is difficult because of big changes later in the process
29100 - is up for final committee draft . - Vote comes through in March (High Level Input)
29190 - Privacy capability framework . - Closer to what we do.
- Joni - Working towards an arrangement for a summary of these ISO drafts to be released to the group through a sub-committee.
- Aiming for early next weeks. - Next meeting is in April in Singapore- ..
5. Privacy Framework update
- Scope is decided to start with the IAF/ICAM requirements.
- Agreed milestones for discovery to finish and Analysis to start on March 3rd
- Please take a look at the Wiki for discovery information
6. Other business
- P3 is refocusing as a forum to present to other organisations and provide feeback about the privacy landscape.
- P3 - To provide input and comments in to ITAC
- P3 - TDTrust Symposiumis another chance to represent Kantara
- Present - What Kantara is doing around the PF
- Point to organise A review of ISO Privacy Documents - To be Kantara's Submitting comments to draft standards
- FYI - Board has approved a sub-committe who wants to take review of external documents are able to do so.- e.g. ISO, NSTIC, - In order to gain access, must be a member of Kantara, Or apart of the leadership council. Agree to keep the information confidential.
7. Update roll call
8. Review Action Items
No Action Items Recorded