Japan WG Telecon 2010-10-13

Japan WG Telecon 2010-10-13

8th Kantara Initiative JapanWG meeting minutes

Date: 2010/10/13(Wed)16:10-17:00
Place: Teleconference only
Teleconference Info:
-North American Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 Room Code: 2954214
-Skype: +9900827042954214

Itoh, Hiroki, NTT
Kaneko Izumi, CA
Kumeta Hiroshi, NTT Software
Sakamoto Yasuhisa, NTT
Miyata, Teruko, NTT
Suzuki, Toshihiro, Oracle
Yamada Tatsushi, NTT



本日よりLeadership Councilで次年度議論がはじまるので、来週のKI会合に向けて事前に挙げていく


Kantara Board会合にてMatthewさんより日本でのワークショップ報告とJapanWGメンバへの謝意
ISO SC27会合にてKantaraとSC27間のリエゾンが確立した、窓口はニュージーランド代表のColinさん

Next Teleconference
Date: 2010/11/10(Wed)16:10-17:00


Kantara Initiative Japan WG for 2011 (draft)

Japan WG Co-chairs

2011 Course of action

Japan WG would like to begin a translation effort of IAF recommendation for publication of the Japanese version, in order to improve awareness in Japan of Identity Assurance Certification Program that is a flagship project in KI.

As for public relation, in response to recent shift from traditional media to Internet media, local PR activities should be minimized, then media distribution and media contact should be covered as a part of KI global marketing. Only press release translation and wiki archiving must be maintained by Japan WG, since availability of localized contents is important for local community.

There is continuous demand for educational events from the fact the latest two seminars had been filled up shortly after registration opened. Japan WG will try to hold those events regularly, but to reduce the burden on members, Japan WG want to have operational support such as registrant database management, interpretation and other services, as funds permits.

2011 Budget request

KI IAF translation


PR and event support
-Press release translation
-Registrant database management
-Event management and reception


2011 Requests

It's desirable to add a teleconference bridge in Japan. Several Japan WG participants could not join monthly teleconference, just because neither skype nor international line are allowed to use in business.

2010 Achievements

2 press release distribution for Japanese media
6 press release translations and posting to Japan WG wiki
See http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/WGJ/News+Releases

2 educational seminar events were successfully done
1st 2010/4/16 45 attendees, reached capacity in 1 day after announcement
2nd 2010/9/01 90 attendees, reached capacity in 2 weeks after announcement
3rd one is under discussion
See http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/WGJ/Seminar