Draft Meeting Minutes 16 Oct 2014

Draft Meeting Minutes 16 Oct 2014


Kantara FIWG Teleconference 

Draft for Editing

Date and Time

  • Date: 16, Oct, 2014
  • Time: 13:00 PT |16:00 ET


  • John Bradley (Ping)
  • Rainer Hoerbe
  • Scott Cantor
  • Colin Wallis


  • Regrets
  • Nate Klingenstein


 June 12 Minutes 


1 Admin

Reiner moved Nate seconded adoption of the minutes.

2. Rainer's SAML extension Working Drafts 

Discussion on refactoring the document. SMTP and consent need to be treated separately.

We need to consider if there is a better way to do this than requiring a 3rd party CA, perhaps key agreement might work.

John mentions using ECDH-SS but with the SP's static key being provided dynamicly in the Authn request. This would get around needing a 3rd party CA.

However it has the downside of using an algorithm not widely supported and on top of that twisting it slightly to use one time static keys.

Other algorithms for key agreement may also work (ECDH-ES but backwards where the encryptor is static).

The document was accepted as a WG document for further revision and possible submission to otter appropriate standards bodies.

Moved Rainer and seconded by Collin

3.  Connect Profile & coordination with the OIDF Connect WG.

No update

4. SAML2Int

Rainer wants to host Discussion at EEIC with REFEDS.

Scott to note down changes we should consider for updates of SAML2Int.


Call ended at 63 min

Members not on the call

  • Jordan (Protiviti)
  • Mat Tebo
  • Rainer Hoerbe
  • Scott Cantor
  • Colin Wallis
  • Mike Jones


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