Meeting Minutes 12 June 2014


Kantara FIWG Teleconference 

Draft for Editing

Date and Time

  • Date: 12, June, 2014
  • Time: 13:00 PT |16:00 ET


  • John Bradley, Ping Identity
  • Rainer Horbe
  • Nate Klingenstein
  • Mat Tebo
  • Allan Foster


  • Peter Alterman


        • Mar 20 Minutes
       •  Apr 17 Notes
        • May 1 Notes

All Moved by Nate and seconded by Rainer




Still need to prioritize the non controversial edits.

Need to find editor, Scott will talk to Ian.

There has been discussion on the refers list. A number of federations are actively using the profile.

Some new things like Entity attributes for attribute release are also likely going to be required.

2.  Discussion of Connect profile.

Mat and John will meet next week to share editing.

Call ended at 50 past the hour.