Meeting Notes 17 Apr 2014


Kantara FIWG Teleconference 

Draft for Editing

Date and Time

  • Date: 17, Apr, 2014
  • Time: 13:00 PT |16:00 ET


  • John Bradley, Ping Identity
  • Nate
  • Scott Canter
  • Peter Alterman



  • Matt Tebo

1.  Discussion of Connect profile.

Mobile Profile WG now set up at OIDF for GSMA and others wanting a standard deployment profile.

OIDF meetings coming up before IIW, perhaps organize a joint session at IIW for Connect profile.


2. SAML2INT rules for NotOnOrAfter.

Guidance on session NotOnOrAfter use may be helpful so IdP don't mistakeny set it to 5 min.

We should look at how heartbleed may affect key management recommendations.

John, Scott, and Nate will look over the profile and see what may need to be changed, and report back for the next call.

  We should pull together the non controversial changes and get a update out.