Meeting Minutes 2nd May 2013
Meeting Minutes 2nd May 2013
Kantara Federation Interop Teleconference
Date and Time
- Date: 2, May, 2013
- Time: 13:00 PDT | 16:00 EDT | X UTC | 22:00 CEST
- John Bradley, Ping Identity
- Rainer Hoerbe, Identinetics
- Scott Cantor, Internet2
- Colin Wallis, Internal Affairs, NZ Govt
- Andrew Hughes (staff)
- Administrative - roll call : Minutes from Apr.18
- Progress on the SAML test harness
- Consideration of OAuth 2.0 interop testing
- Kantara, OIX and other meta-data aggregator projects
1. Administrative
- 2 out of 3 voting members - quorum reached
- Action: CW to contact HF for help on revising Roster.
- April 18th Minutes: Scott Moves, John Seconds
2. Progress on the SAML test harness
- AT test constructs to be running at Fedlab during May.
3. Consideration of OAuth 2.0 Interop testing
- JB noted discussion re the need for an OAuth profile this on the US gov's API open data forum. Suggestion of OAuth to protect API resources though this is a strange use case given the user is not giving consent. But may be a case of DoS protection and/or pre agreement for authorized users.
- Overdue Action: RH to socialize the notion over on the eGov WG list, when sending out reminder of may 6th call.
- Overdue Action: JB to create an OAuth profile strawman as a basis to kick start some proposed use cases and deployment feedback
4. Kantara, OIX and other meta-data aggregator projects
- Ping (Hans van Zandbelt) still considering whether to persevere with the REAP project's Peer open source s/w or start from scratch. It depends if Peer can extend to support tenant-style use cases.
- SC suggests looking at Duke University's work as an alternative. SC to send JB a contact.
- RH: Regarding the PEER project, he considers the django framework flexible and powerful enough to be adapted to new use cases. But not convinced (yet) that the SAMLmetaJS component to edit entities is good enough for more use cases. (Because it is not clear how entity elements can be tied into other data structures, like domains, organizations and other entities).
5. AOB
- Who is going to EIC 2013 (call is 10pm Thurs 16th CEST). JB, CW there.
Next Meeting
- Date: Thurs, May 16, 2013
- Time: 13:00 PDT | 16:00 EDT | 22:00 CEST (Time Chart)
- Dial-In: +1-218-862-7200
- Code:
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