Draft Meeting Notes 12 May 2016

Draft Meeting Notes 12 May 2016


Kantara FIWG Teleconference 

Draft for Editing

Date and Time

  • Date: 12, May 2016
  • Time: 12:00 PT |15:00 ET


    • Colin Wallis
    • Scott Cantor
    • Nick Roy
    • Rainer Hoerbe
    • Walter Hoehn
  • Regrets
  • John Bradley


 Roll Call

Here are my notes from today's call.  Thanks to everyone for the great discussion.













1) Discussion of possibility of Walter running to fill Allan Foster's co-chair position.  Walter happy to put hat in the ring, but would need assistance with knowing how Kantara works.  Should be lots of help from John.  Not a difficult org to navigate, open straightforward.


Basics are just meeting schedule, agenda prep, sending out mails, once a year formal chair re-election.  load is quite moderate.  Some obligation to communicate to leadership council, Colin helps with that.  Leadership council meetings are every other week for up to 1.5 hours. As long as some officer from a WG attends those calls, it's fine.


Walter will put his name forward for balloting.  Ballot has to be open - minimum of a week for nominations.  Staff can send out email to call for nominations.  After that what happens depends on if there are contested positions.


Colin will ask staff to call for nominations.


2) Next steps for hand-off of interop implementation profile into this group -


- Working group in charge will be this group (WG-FI)

- Migrate repository (week of 16.05.2016) - move source material to Kantara's github repo, retire Scott Koranda's gitlab

- Need URLs to publish the "recommendation" or "report" (the profile) - a "recommendation" needs a ballot, and is closest we get to a standard.  A working group can do a recommendation or a report, discussion groups can only do a report.

- Will make this a recommendation

- Rainer will ask Eve how to obtain the URL(s) - also in the Kantara Operating Procedures. Colin recalls that Eve published a how-to on this

- Colin will find the how-to and operating procedures and send to the list

- Walter will coordinate transition to github with Rainer, will notify the InCommon fed-interop-wg list when this happens

- There are formatting standards/templates that will need to use, Colin will send links

- Hope to send for balloting soon

- Should be possible to get feedback from various stakeholders before summer - spread work around on various mailing lists

- Colin will send steps needed for a recommendation to the group


- AI: John: Put formal adoption of this work on the next WG-FI agenda in two weeks


- Scott wonders about the remaining diffs from eGov, which are things that are mostly in the spec, but might be argued to be in the interop profile for testability / bulleted list reasons.  There are already some things in the document that basically repeat the standard.  Very hard to know where the dividing line is between the spec and this profile.  We're not trying to require everything in the spec, because if we were requiring everything in the spec, then we don't need this profile.  If the thing needs to be self-contained, then it has a long list of things we need to pull in.  But if you read the standard, you're going to have to do a bunch of things we're not requiring in the profile.


- Rainer suggests waiting to see what the feedback from eGov - time to market is an advantage over formal perfection.


- We were very focused on the things that were missing from the standard, not concerned with the things that are already in the standard.  Are there things we missed that need to be stated for completeness?  It wasn't a priority in the original group.


- Rainer recommends waiting to see what the feedback is - if there's not a lot of diffs, we should get it out to the vendors.


- Scott concerned that silence in the feedback process would not be assent, it would just be silence.


- All agree that continued work on the deployment profile is very very necessary.


- Nick/Rainer presentation at TNC REFEDS meeting would be a good place to bring in EU crowd.

  • Jordan (Protiviti)
  • Mat Tebo
  • Mike Jones
  • Nate Klingenstein
  • Peter Alterman

  • Joni

  • Rainer Hoerbe
  • Walter Hoehn
  • Colin Wallis
  • Nick Roy
  • Walter Forbes Hoehn
  • Rainer Hoerbe
  • Walter Hoehn