Meeting Minutes 21 August 2019

Meeting Minutes 21 August 2019

Kantara FI-WG Teleconference

Minutes approved on 04 September 2019 call

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2019
  • Time: 16:30 EDT


  • Wessel, Keith (v)
  • Bush, Judith (v)
  • Cantor, Scott (v)
  • Morgan, Andrew (v)
  • Goodman, Eric
  • Hoehn, Walter (v)
  • Buxey, Alan (v)
  • Wallis, Colin


  1. Roll call (QV group participation agreement
  2. Agenda bash
  3. Approval of 8/7 meeting minutes
  4. Walter: formatting revisions: completed and summarized in an 8/15 note to the mailing list. Outstanding questions/issues were:
  5. Nick’s AI to update the disposition column on the feedback page: https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/6IDJBg
  6. Rainer provided clarification on his feedback on SDP-SP23 in an email to the list dated 27 July. Any action to be taken?
  7. Review of outstanding issues in Github
  8. Any further work needed on feedback received so far


  1. Roll call (QV group participation agreement
    1. Quorum achieved
    2. We will remove John Bradley from the list
  2. Agenda bash
  3. Should "SAML Browser SSO Profile" and "Single Logout profiles" in the "Notations and Terminology" section have references?
    1. In section 1, there is a reference, but in section 1.1, there is not a reference.
    2. Should it say “Web Browser SSO Profile” everywhere?  There is inconsistency in the naming and capitalization
  4. Capitalize “Profile”
  5. Web Browser SSO Profile/Single Logout Profile
  6. SAML Browser or Browser => Web Browser
  7. Minutes approved
  8. Approval of 8/7 meeting minutes
  9. Walter: formatting revisions: completed and summarized in an 8/15 note to the mailing list. Outstanding questions/issues were:

AI: Eric will review for consistency

    1. Should the abstract or introduction mention that this document supersedes saml2int, since the title has changed with this version?
    2. Proposed that we remove the subsection numbers, but otherwise keep the content unchanged.
    3. Alan suggests making them section headings instead of numbers
      1. Just remove subheadings from 2.1. AI Alan wrote PR.
    4. This working group could say that this supersedes the prior version, provided the Kantara leadership doesn’t disagree.
    5. REFEDS uses the original document and probably can’t use the new version
    6. Path of least resistance is to leave as-is rather than try to explain why
    7. Decision: leave this as-is
    8. What about saml2int.org?  Do nothing now
    9. In section 2.1 all four requirements have their own subsections. This seems a bit inconsistent with later sections.

AI: Walter merge(d) the existing pull request (DONE)

    1. There is still an asciidoctor artifact that is causing the "Contributors" headings to be red. I/we should probably figure that out, although I guess it looks fine as is.

AI: Alan wants to beat on this for a while to try to make it match the implementation profile (DONE)

  1. Walter - reading through the whole document - the requirements seem like they have received considerable word-smithing, but the introduction and another section could use some touch-up.  AI: Walter will send improved wording to the list for review
  2. Nick’s AI to update the disposition column on the feedback page: https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/6IDJBg
    1. Scott completed revisions to items 5 and 6. Any further work needed on this page?
    2. Homework assignment for everyone - review the disposition column.  Is there anything else to be done for these items? Issue 6 may need improvement.
  3. Rainer provided clarification on his feedback on SDP-SP23 in an email to the list dated 27 July. Any action to be taken?
    1. “Responding to item 4 (SDP-SP23/IDP-disco): I agree that [IdPDisco] does not prescribe the caching solution. However, it fails to point out that best practice is to have a centralized caching solution but decentralized UI. At least I think that this is best practice, because it reduces the IDP-disco process, and in certain use cases (users always starting with an intranet portal that will provision IDP-disco cookies upfront) it can almost eliminate it. The RA21-document that I mentioned describes this approach.”
    1. Related to homework item above.
    2. Here is Rainer’s clarification:
    3. Scott disagrees that centralized discovery is a best practice
    4. Scott - our document should be silent about this.  Eric agrees.
    5. We (Shib project?) tried to separate the discovery from the SP so that changes to discovery don’t require changes to the SP software.
    6. Deep linking matters
  4. Review of outstanding issues in Github
  5. Any further work needed on feedback received so far

Next Meeting

  • Date: Weds, Sep 4, 2019
  • Time: 16:30 EDT
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