Meeting Minutes 01 May 2019

Meeting Minutes 01 May 2019

Kantara FIWG Teleconference 

Approved 2019-05-15

Date and Time

  • Date: 01 May, 2019
  • Time: 16:30 EDT


    • Walter Hoehn v
    • Nick Roy v
    • Scott Cantor v
    • Eric Goodman nv
    • Keith Wessel v
    • Judith Bush v
    • Andrew Morgan nv

  • Regrets

 Roll Call
Quorum achieved

  1. Agenda bash
    1. No changes suggested
  2. Administratia
    1. Yes, but where does it live in the end. Can they end up on the Kantara wiki? AI: Nick get the notes posted over there. [DONE]
    2. Sharable only to those with a link.
    3. Reminder to approve minutes of the previous call.
    4. Kantara WG-FI home: https://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/fiwg/Home
    5. Minutes and meetings: https://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/fiwg/Meetings+and+Minutes
    6. Approve minutes of 2017-10-12?
      1. Moved to approve by Nick
      2. Seconded by Scott
      3. No objections
      4. AI: Nick mark these minutes as approved on 2019-05-01 check with Oliver Maerz oliver@kantarainitiative.org on login problems. [DONE]
    7. AI: Judith remove John Bradley as co-chair, add Keith as co-chair as of 2019-03-01. https://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/fiwg/Leadership+Team
    8. AI: Walter will check with VE7JTB (John Bradley) and/or Colin Wallis on process for updating membership and noting off voting members (‘v’ by their name). Probably like starting the group anew, calling for volunteers that want voting rights. Should be based on meeting attendance, someone saying they want voting rights. AI: Judith is looking for the WG policy page, will share when she finds it.  [DONE] https://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Roles
    1. Do we want a rolling scribing doc?
    2. Meeting schedule: just to clarify, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at this time for 45 minutes
    3. Resources: mailing list, Kantara Github repo, wiki access
  3. Our charge
    1. Starting point: Revised SAML2int at https://kantarainitiative.github.io/SAMLprofiles/saml2int.html
    2. Has been approved and accepted by InCommon. Seeking Kantara community adoption and ratification. Will be approved by InCommon Steering on 2019-05-06.
  4. Discuss process and first steps
    1. Next agenda:
      1. Please review this document, do you have any input on this doc?
      2. Need a report where we record dissenting opinions, rationale statement for majority view whenever expressed dissent is likely to result in a negative ballot.
      3. https://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Roles  << Our Process
    2. Need an email that outlines what this doc is, what we’re trying to do, what the previous work was, if you’re not familiar with this work, we’ll be meeting to discuss the document before moving to balloting.
    3. Eventually, we’ll need to put the doc in the Kantara PDF format, with the requisite info, and also request a canonical HTML version be allowed (like we did for the implementation profile).
    4. AI: Walter review the current deployment profile and note what would need to be done to get it into the Kantara format.
      1. Could look at the relevant commit on the git history of the implementation profile.
      2. Templating was done right before the Kantara member ballot for the implementation profile.
    5. Current mailing list has 87 non-digest members, 6 digest members. Cisco, ForgeRock, Microsoft, Ping, etc. Only 7 current voting members.
    1. Walter asks - when we brought the previous document over, it had gone through the same Internet2 approval process. We were still actively working on it when we brought it over here- do we feel like this document is in a more completed state? Are we pretty much ready to push it out for review as soon as possible?
    2. Keith- we took a lot of feedback from InCommon/REFEDS community, went through it very thoroughly before wrapping it up with the InCommon WG. Are we in a good spot with this?
    3. Given those on the call, we aren’t likely to get much dissent.
    4. John and Rainer were involved in the previous iteration of this WG, so there was additional input from the group. Not a lot that’s going to happen here in terms of change unless we really push for it, and likely not even then.
    5. Might want someone from some other sector - government, etc, to look at it. Rainer was still involved previously, pushing to get the implementation profile as a replacement for eGov.
    6. Need to get agendas out to the list a couple days ahead of time, to get a clear statement of relevant views.
    7. If after a community review, there are substantive changes needed, we have to re-review before we can go to a WG member ballot, and only if that passes can we go to an all-member ballot.
    8. Don’t need to transfer IP or anything because Kantara controls the original SAML2int IP.


 Call ended at 50 min.