Meeting Minutes 7 August 2019
Meeting Minutes 7 August 2019
Kantara FI-WG Teleconference
Approved on 2019-07-21 call
Date and Time
- Date: Wednesday, August 7, 2019
- Time: 16:30 EDT
- Wessel, Keith (v)
- Roy, Nicholas (v)
- Bush, Judith (v)
- Cantor, Scott (v)
- Morgan, Andrew (v)
- Goodman, Eric
- Hoehn, Walter (v)
- Wallis, Colin
- Roll call (QV group participation agreement)
- Agenda bash
- Approval of 7/17 meeting minutes
- Review of previous AIs:
- Walter: formatting revisions: https://github.com/KantaraInitiative/SAMLprofiles/pull/136
- Nick’s AI to update the disposition column on the feedback page: https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/6IDJBg
- A couple of the items marked as accepted in the disposition column are waiting for revisions from Scott
- Issues 5 and 6 are done - email from Scott on July 23
- Rainer provided clarification on his feedback on SDP-SP23 in an email to the list dated 27 July
- Review of outstanding issues in Github
- Any further work needed on feedback received so far
- Roll call (QV group participation agreement)
- Quorum achieved
- Agenda bash
- Administrivia: Colin mentioned that the work of this group is going to be noted in the Director’s Corner email and tweeted out later today
- Approval of 7/17 meeting minutes
- Judith motions to approve
- Walter seconds motion
- No opposition
- Minutes approved
- Review of previous AIs:
- Diffed the formatting of the implementation and deployment profiles, referred to Kantara formatting guide
- Larger questions came up:
- Recommendation: Use the first paragraph as the abstract. Start the introduction after that.
- AI: Walter will do this
- Link: https://kantarainitiative.github.io/SAMLprofiles/saml2int.html
- AI: Walter will add this as the location, we’ll use this until we get the final location just prior to approved publication
- Group should pick one of the four Kantara-approved IP agreements
- No reason we have to stick to what’s on the doc right now
- Probably the newest version of the CC share-alike attribution license would be the right way to go.
- AI: Walter will update accordingly - to cc-by-sa-4.0
- Scott is in favor of what’s there, or strike the Internet2 part, so just “copyright by its respective contributors, used under license”
- AI: Walter to change to this
- Walter suggests:
- Remove the ORCID
- Add the current authors to the top
- Put the legacy authors in an appendix
- Scott suggests:
- All authors in the appendix
- Keith and Nick agree
- No opposition to putting all authors in an appendix, it’s effectively what we have now. Just reference “see appendix” in the contributors section at the top.
- Judith notes that a paragraph of names at the beginning isn’t unusual in academia
- Keith suggests names/orgs of current contributors at the top of the doc. The appendix repeats that with orcids and email addresses at the end.
- Walter suggests removing email addresses.
- Keith says: Remove ORCID, email address, leave current and previous contributors at the top
- AI: Walter to do
- SAML v2.0 Deployment Profile for Federation Interoperability
- The group thinks these need to match
- Thank you Walter!
- AI: Walter rearrange to make these match
- If we made the notation and terminology sections as they are in the implementation profile, then all these would align across docs. Small amount of work to make this really clean.
- AI: Walter align
- Section titles:
- AI: Walter to do
- Change IdP and SP to be Identity Provider and Service Provider.
- Only use IdP/SP abbreviations in non-normative sections
- The sense is that the document contains a bit too many IdPs and SPs mentions to make it read well if they are all expanded.
- There is a normative references section and a non-normative references section. Is this necessary?
- Yes, keeping them separate is necessary.
- Could be two subsections.
- AI: Walter to break this into two sub-sections under a references section.
- There is now a blank Abstract section that must be populated.
- A blank Location section has been added. This will change just prior to final approval, but I think for now this should be pointed to the current location of the auto-rendered version, if there is such a thing.
- Please note that I changed the CC license to the same as the IP-FI. This may not be what everyone wants, but the Kantara boilerplate contains a list of "approved" licenses. I'm not sure what the process would be to use another, if that is desired.
- Is the copyright correct?
- Kantara requires a Contributors section on the "first page." Rendering what we have now at the top looks to me like a big mess. For the IP-FI, we pared the information down quite a bit, which is what I'd recommend. Other alternatives allowed by the Kantara boilerplate are to have the Contributors section link to the WG "Group Roster" page or to reference an appendix. I don't favor these approaches, although the appendix might be a reasonable solution for contributors to the old version.
- I/we need to figure out why asciidoctor is rendering the contributors section(s) inside the "ul" div, making the heading appear red and too small.
- Title discrepancy between implementation and deployment profiles. Words are flipped around. Seems less clear that they are peer documents meant to be used in tandem.
- Other things we could do to make these easier to read together
- Walter: formatting revisions: https://github.com/KantaraInitiative/SAMLprofiles/pull/136
- Walter should delete the old PR and just merge to master.
Next Meeting
- Date: Weds, Aug 7, 2019
- Time: 16:30 EDT
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